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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Here are some pics. Hope to see everyone there tomorrow.
  2. Scores are up at GSSF. Here Someone ran the plate rack four(yes four)times in 11.06 seconds. Great turn out. Thanks to everyone who helped.
  3. I hope every one is ready to go. Look forward to meeting everybody. Remember registration starts at 9am and runs till 3pm.
  4. Hello and welcome. Just jump in anywhere.
  5. Great to have you. Hope to see you on the range soon.
  6. It's worth sitting though the whole movie just to see the honor in the ending scene. And to "Drink" every time someone says "Staff Sergeant".
  7. JJ Racaza will shoot Caracal in production class.
  8. Great match today. We had a fantastic squad. The weather just held off long enough to finish. Thanks Robert!!
  9. I sit here with tears in my eyes for someone I never met. I'm so sorry.
  10. If your are looking for me; I'll be shooting the warm up stage.
  11. Anyone that has wanted to try action pistol shooting should come out and give this match a go. Nice one to learn your way around the range and see what goes on.
  12. Mongoose? Ducks? Honey Badger!
  13. I'll be there early. Is CDP race guns or something different?
  14. My wife and I both read it. I still go back and flip through it. Will be good to see you back at the range.
  15. All steel match is a big undertaking. A lot of set-up prior to the match, but then it should run fine with easy scoring and resetting. And then a lot of tear down. Help and not turn out may be the deciding factor. Hognut and others will be down on Saturday the 26th to get started. We would love to have anyone's help.
  16. Great match for new shooters to see what is going on. Also to get acquainted with the range and meet the guys that make these matches go. No drawing or reloading on the clock. But still challenging for regular shooters. Like Hognut said this match is running all day long. It does not have a start time like a regular match. Show up any time and get started. Registration will run Saturday 9am till 3pm, and Sunday 9am till 2 pm. Bring 100 rounds per entry and a holster or just a range or gun bag. Or your "Glock Box" And of course eye and ear protection. New Competitor Brief. Click Here I look forward to see a bunch of TGO guys and girls there.
  17. This gives me hope. Words fail me trying to thank our service members. Thanks for posting.
  18. Pretty neat. I see CatsEye's M&P there to.


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