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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Hello and welcome to the board. Thanks for your service.
  2. I need to take that eye test a few more times. Hello and thanks for the pics.
  3. Hello and welcome. Nice to have you guys here.
  4. Couldn't get her to shoot a 45? My wife wants to take it this summer. More for going to the range without me than for carrying.
  5. Rickey, did you shoot your revolver? I hate of missed you. Still want to try one some time.
  6. If they are fresh--take them home. Last time no animals, syringes, or pee bottles.
  7. He said Old Hickory area by Dupont. Pins it down pretty good.
  8. Believe I'll swing in on the way home.
  9. Everyone should come out and shoot this match. There will be a place for all shooters to compete.
  10. When I did the 35 yard shot I had a big popper and a little popper. I think you were there Mark. Paper is something different. You'll need a spotter.
  11. I'll be headed for the beach. You guys have fun.
  12. Super day today with a lot of new faces. Congrats to all who classed for the first time or moved up. Scores are done, and should be posted soon.
  13. Hello and Welcome to TGO. My club is Music City Tactical Shooters. We are an IDPA affiliated club with rifle, shotgun and steel matches thrown in. Let me know if you want to come out and have a go at it. The range is in Dickson, but it is worth the drive.
  14. From Bob and Tom. Tim Wilson. [media=] [/media]
  15. Should be able to shoot with two mags. 90 rounds minimum. Here are a couple of links. http://www.mctsclub.com/equipment.html http://www.mctsclub.com/timesfees.html http://www.mctsclub.com/Welcome_to_IDPA_Shooting.pdf
  16. Well if this holds out it will be beautiful shooting weather. Saturday Mostly cloudy. High of 73F. Winds from the West at 10 to 15 mph. You do not have to be an IDPA member to shoot with us. Nice test of skills. You will draw and fire 13 times. One weak hand low ready start. You will shoot from cover, low cover(on a knee), moving forwards and backwards, and starting with your back to the targets. Great benchmark of your skill. Speed shooting on some strings and accuracy on others. Come out and see the changes at the range and meet a great group of guys and gals. We had six ladies on the range last week. Everyone is welcome if you are a safe shooter.
  17. Wow!!!! That was amazing. Big thanks to all who came out. And even bigger thanks to all who helped out scoring, resetting, painting and puting all that steel back up. Let's do it again Hognut.
  18. Headed out. This is going to be a great day of shooting.
  19. Just wake up dead one day.


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