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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. When my squad got to bay 2, one of the no shoots was full of holes. "He must have been a screamer", one of the guys said. I laughed out loud.
  2. Here is a link for the "occupy" connection. And Here for the PI who dug it up.
  3. Welcome to the board. Glad to have you.
  4. Weather looks great. We will need some help in the morning setting up. I'll be there at 7:00am. Pretty nice match, I think. Two drop turners and a swinger. Some retention, and retreating shots. And a few zombies that need to be shot in the head. Looks to be a pretty high speed match. 5 stages and 83(minimum)round count. Quit thinking about it and come out and shoot!
  5. Well, didn't get to shoot Gallatin so may have to shoot this twice. I hope it is as fun as last time. Because I had a blast last time.
  6. Our night match is on the 17th of November. Have to wait for the time to change and get dark earlier. And you need to come down and make a day of it. Shoot the regular match in the morning. We can be a little picky about who gets to run around and shoot in the darkness. Had one of the most experienced shooters on the range last time AD.
  7. Absolutely you will be. Amazing match, food, people, and a bunch of Master shooters to watch. Maybe a few DM's. Sign up early for the discounted price.
  8. Last year was 10 stages and around 180 round count. This year will be similar or bigger. But with an even more amazing prize table. You must be an IDPA member with a current (within the last year) classification in the division you want to shoot. We will run a Classifier a couple of weeks before the Cup match. Legal gun, gear and ammo. Get your paper work going. We will limit it to the first 150 shooters.
  9. Yes you will get a score. And will be able to see and compare with the other shooters.
  10. See you guys there Saturday. I like shooting the Classifier. 14 strings--13 times to draw and shoot. With one low ready, weak hand, start. No cover garment required. Shooting while moving forward and backward. Shooting from cover. Moving to low cover and shooting. It is great fun and practice even if you don't want to shoot competitions. Here is the course description. You do not have to be a member of Gallatin Gun Club or IDPA to come out and shoot. Someone will periodically check the gate to let people in.
  11. Thanks Rick. And thanks for taking care of the new shooters last weekend. And to anyone wanting to come out and try your hand at an IDPA match--please come out and give it a go. You do not have to be a member to shoot. We strive to make new shooters feel comfortable and at ease.
  12. Hate to blow my own horn, but that was a lot of fun. Lots of new shooters, and a lot of MCTS members. Thanks everyone for coming out and shooting. I'll get the scores going shortly.
  13. He has been assimilated. Going to be a great day Saturday. Hope everyone can make it out to the range.
  14. Just one part of one stage. Full on "Zombie Match" is October 6th. It will be bigger(more stages)than last year--with a few changes in format.
  15. Thanks Hognut and family. It was only the hottest day ever. At least I can guarantee it will be cooler on the 7th . It might be time for three targets and a barrel(Chip's Match)until it gets cooler. Already working on the next IDPA match for the 21st. Get ready for some Zombies.
  16. Click Here This is the New Shooters Packet. Be familiar with page two--the safety rules and the commands. And Here is a page with recommended equipment. All safe shooters are welcome. You do not have to be a member of IDPA or MCTS to come out and shoot.
  17. I shouldn't have made fun of the "pony tail" at the shooters meeting. I apologize.
  18. Wow! Am amazing course of fire. Simply brilliant stage design. Seriously, should be fun.......I hope.
  19. Hello Daniel. Hope to see you in Dickson sometime.


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