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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. I enjoyed watching a "Master" at work with his revolver. I kept saying, "damn he's fast!"
  2. Another great match. Congrats to Catseye for the overall win. Lots of new shooters there. I hope everyone had a great time.
  3. ....can fix cars (and other things).
  4. Three 18 round stages does look a little suspicious (The CDP guys will have to reload twice). You won't get any sympathy from Rickey.
  5. Partly cloudy in the morning, then overcast. High of 81F. Winds from the North at 5 to 10 mph. Hope this holds.
  6. Thanks guys for your dedication. Hope everyone can make it out for the match. New, safe shooters are welcome to come out. Like was said in another thread, don't let the word "competition" keep you from coming. Come out and see our range and shoot the match.
  7. Well hook up with BigK again and have him bring you to Dickson Saturday to shoot the IDPA match.
  8. Won a trip to the Bristol night race a couple of years ago from Carquest. Watched the end of the race from victory lane. Pretty awesome.
  9. The stages look amazing. This will be a good match to jump in and give USPSA a try. See you guys Saturday morning.
  10. Well if I am "cordially invited" I guess I have to go. Been wanting to try one of these out anyway. It really looks like fun. Are there people on hand to reload my mags between stages?
  11. Mark--hold your gun upside in your strong hand and we will call it even.
  12. Cool show. Nice to see local guys that I have shot with being mentioned. I need a second M&P to get worked for an ESP gun. As a side note, did you guys catch the picture of Caleb Giddings(Gun Nuts)in the kilt at the Bianchi cup?
  13. Welcome Back. [media=] [/media]
  14. Hello and welcome. There used to be a "Funny Car" Blue Bayou. It said "Blew By You" on the back of it. Always made me smile.
  15. Remember who would be giving the exam. We are all gun nuts. None of us would pass.
  16. It has popped up on drudge for some reason. It is from April. Click Here
  17. Nice to have you around. Jump in anywhere.
  18. Hello and welcome. Great bunch of folks here. I went to Sullivan Central--many moons ago. Loved it up there.
  19. I took the class with a brand new un-fired P95. Bought it at the last second to take the test. I worried about the shooting part too. I think I could do the whole test from 15 yards in less than twenty five seconds now. As for the written--the instructor will give you all the answers in the class. Just listen.
  20. Nobody checking at Hendersonville Theater. Small gun buster way off to the exit side of the doors. Don't think it is a legal posting.
  21. Excellent choice. But they are all good. 9mm or larger in two divisions ESP(Enhance service pistol) and SSP(Stock service pistol). And CDP(custom defensive pistol) is for .45's. Stock M&P is in SSP. If you start to "Hot Rod" with magwells and such it goes into ESP. Just come out and shoot, be safe, and have FUN!
  22. Sorry about the delay on the scores. Look for them tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great time today.


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