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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Thinking about you guys. Tell Robert to get back to the range soon.
  2. That was the plan last week. Then I SO'd a guy and almost got swept first stage . That set the tone for the rest of the day.
  3. My regular match scores are all over the place. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I know I can shoot well, now I just need to translate it into match scores. Can't wait to shoot with Stoeger. Hopefully I will take something away from the class.
  4. Left there thinking I shot like crap. But I actually shot well. Looking forward to the scores coming out.
  5. We got deluged last time we tried this. Weather looks better this time. The classifier is great for first time(safe)shooters. 14 separate strings of fire with 13 draws from your holster. Nothing to wild to deal with. Shots from cover, reloads, shots while moving, strong and weak hand shots. You do not have to be an IDPA or Gallatin Gun Club member to come out and shoot.
  6. So, what gets your "creative juices" flowing? Wait.....don't answer that.
  7. Whew! What a day. The weather held off but it was still hot and humid. I'll be ready for the next one. I was certainly not ready for this one.
  8. Congrats to you David! I've bought four from you, but it has been a while. Need to get in there and get something new.
  9. Congrats Caster! I hit 18 years with mine and this is the best year yet.
  10. We will shoot rain or shine. Unless it is too muddy or if there is lightning in the area. I am thinking the weather is going to hold off and we will have a great day shooting.
  11. All people wanting to Join MCTS need to head over to the website and read the new bylaws. Especially the 20 hours of range work(easy to do), and the proof of NRA membership parts. Dues have gone up, but there are twelve extra steel matches on the forth weekends to make up for it. There will be sign-ups at the range Saturday.
  12. Mechanic_X

    M&P9 Grip

    Not a well thought out plan, just worked out that way. M&P felt right at home after the first match with it. I'll shoot anything. I'll give a Hi-point a try in a match if someone has one . Shoot what feels good.
  13. My wife has a PPQ. It is as close to a true single action as you can get. The striker does not move backwards at all as the trigger is pulled. On my XDm you can feel the striker move a little before it goes. I am more of a muzzle control shooter than a trigger control so the trigger doesn't affect me that much, but it is smooth and breaks cleanly. My M&P is all stock and the trigger is different than the PPQ but I don't think it as being any worseor better. My XDm the take up is long. I shot Lagerhead's XD with a trigger job and it breaks nicely. I shot Hognut's G34 in a run-n-gun match and did fine. I assume it has some kind of trigger work done on it. Finished 8th overall I think. Anyway.....the PPQ trigger is light and has a very quick reset. You will need good trigger finger discipline. Also the PPQ has the mag release built into the trigger guard like some HK's. I guess you could get used to it.
  14. Scores are out. SSR is pump shotgun. ESR is auto shotgun. Thanks to everyone that came out. I had a great time and my squad was super.
  15. I found my holster in the wife's range bag. Thank you Hognut for letting me borrow your holster. It would have been easier if I just borrowed one from Chandler. Would have saved a step . Anyway.....scores are done and will be up shortly. Congrats to AH1356(Aaron)for the overall win.
  16. I would add; there will be no cover calls. Just shoot them as you see them from the shooters box. Reload as necessary. No need to retain mags. As many mags as you need on your belt(or in pockets).
  17. Mechanic_X

    M&P9 Grip

    Never noticed the hump either. I use the large back strap that il duce stipled. Love the M&P. I have the xdm to, but was never comfortable with it in competition. But it is still is my EDC.
  18. Everything is set up. All that is left is putting the head plates on the Texas Stars and Polish plate racks. The stages are amazing. Come down and shoot!
  19. 82 rounds minimum. Better bring 200 . If you have not shot an all steel match you should come and give it a go. Nothing like hearing the "ping" and seeing them fall .
  20. Had a couple mistakes in the scores. New ones are up. No big changes. Hognut still lost.
  21. Hello Jeff. Welcome to the forum.
  22. Holy cow! You're trying to kill the score keeper. Shotguns should have to start empty. To make it fair.
  23. The steel matches consist of falling and static steel targets. Pepper Poppers(big and little), 8" head plates, colt poppers, regular plate rack, polish plate rack, Texas stars, and assorted static targets of different sizes. When the stages come out take a look. It definitely will focus your speed and accuracy. And is a ton of fun. Shooting steel can be a little frustrating but it is instant gratification to hear that "ding" on a good hit.


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