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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. The weather will be great Saturday. I am looking forward to meeting everyone.
  2. Just thinking about all the ammo buying and O's promise for a civilian army as big as the military.
  3. An amazing number of new shooters came out Saturday. Thanks to everyone. Especially Lagerhead who came just to help out and that was huge. The weather was great and I am a little sunburned even. It was great to see all the soldiers from Clarksville and the LEO's who made it down also. Now sign up for the Music City Cup. And HERE is more info.
  4. I have shot a shotgun stage of Robert's, prone, under the suv. Magnum buckshot is loud!
  5. The weather will move through by the morning and we will have a cool day to shoot. Everyone is welcome to come out. We will shoot rain or shine. See you there.
  6. I hope everyone likes the stages. They were a lot of fun to draw up. These should be great stages for experienced shooters and new shooters alike.
  7. I would love to see a bunch of new faces at the range for this match. And a bunch of people getting their classification up to date for the "Music City Cup".
  8. Bob Vogel, the best competition shooter right now, is a cop. Just won IDPA nationals by over 15%. The man that was overall champ at our sanctioned match is a cop. LEO's and military are always safe on the range at least.
  9. This is going to be a great match. Nice mix of hosing, moving and accuracy......mostly hosing though . Bring lots of ammo. Enter twice if you would like.
  10. Ok to come and watch classifier. But bring your stuff just in case. PM me if you have any other questions.
  11. All safe shooters can come and shoot the classifier. Only IDPA members will get their scores recorded and sent into IDPA. To shoot in the sanctioned event, "Music City Cup", you must be classed marksman or higher and be a current IDPA member. The prize table at the Cup is giving away all kinds of prizes including Glock gun certificates. All prizes are by random draw.
  12. The class is more of an advanced class. Not sure how they let me in. We shoot the IDPA classifier on the 6th of October. It is a great place to start.
  13. ".88 Magnum. It shoots through schools." "Johnny Dangerously"
  14. How did you come to know so much about swallows?
  15. Sorry about the stages. Final tweaks when I get home and Hognut should post them out here.
  16. Sorry Mark. Not sure if that 10mm atomic ammo is allowed on the range.
  17. Non-believers. It's going to happen. Might as well practice.
  18. Thanks for coming down Rickey. I enjoy watching you shoot. Scores are done. It was close but Catseye wins by a whisker.
  19. Looks like the weather is going to be great Saturday. Come out and shoot. New, safe shooters are always welcome. Get ready for the "Music City Cup" in November.
  20. Notice the date change. Moved from the 6ty to the 20th. Working up the stages now. Should be a great day practicing for the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse.


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