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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Great day of shooting. The rain almost held off but we finished up anyway.   Thanks to everyone who came out and BIG thanks to everyone who helped clean up in the rain.
  2. Well it rained hard then let up enough to get to shoot. By the time we got to shotguns it had mostly broke and the sun even peeked out. Another great match, thanks Robert!!
  3. Another great day of shooting. The weather was fantastic! Thanks to everyone for coming out.
  4. [quote name='broox' timestamp='1354314197' post='853076'] Well then I will try to get there early to help with that. Can't wait! [/quote] "There is no try...", Yoda Some shooters boxes to stake down and one activator to get going also. Seems like I say this every time, but if you have been wanting to try this game--this match will be a great one to start. Be safe and stay in the shooters box are about the only rules. No worries about reloads or cover calls. This will be a challenging course for the pistol shooters but it will still be fun for the new guys and girls. No steel just cardboard. Weather will be great. [b] 9 AM[/b] [img]http://s.imwx.com/v.20120328.084252/img/wxicon/70/30.png[/img]51[sup]°[/sup] Partly Cloudy, FEELS LIKE:49°, HUMIDITY:80%, PRECIP:0%, WIND:S at 6 mph
  5. Depends on what you are shooting. Anyway you wish to load should be fine. We will find a place for you.
  6. This is my BIL's site. [url="http://wolfcreekrcpark.com/"]Wolf Creek[/url] He has some info on there and links to other forums he posts to. Here is a pic of his place. [img]http://wolfcreekrcpark.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/dsc00915.jpg?w=315&h=420[/img]
  7. Nice to have you. Welcome to the board. I am curious to see what you guys put on at the armory. Shooting a match inside will be cool.
  8. Weather looks great for Dec. 1st. Should be a great day of shooting.
  9. Arnold's speedometer repair is the guy in Nashville. Google should bring it up. But like has been said pretty easy fix. If I can do it anyone can. Lol!
  10. Thanks Mac. Now I need OFF in my bug out bag. A lot of it.
  11. Pretty good show. Found David and talked cars for awhile. Bought my primers. Thanks again. One of the better shows I have been to in awhile.
  12. [quote name='timcalhoun' timestamp='1352832435' post='844896'] The guy who normally heads the steel matches cannot do it. I don't think he's an RO either, but spearheads the stage design and coordinates email to the shooting community for set up day etc..... Everything is done on a volunteer basis. All too often the same 3-5 people do 99% of the work, and those folks did not have the time or inclination to take over the steel match. The more active the club members, the more vibrant the shooting opportunities. I invite everyone to get involved in their shooting clubs and take an active role. We need to grow all the shooting sports!!!! [/quote] DITTO!!!
  13. [url="http://www.gallatingun.com/"]Gallatin Gun Club[/url] In Gallatin, inside the TVA steam plant. [url="http://www.gallatingun.com/map.asp"]HERE[/url] are directions.
  14. What a match. I shot like crap but I did have a couple of break throughs that I think will help in the future. Congrats to the winners and those that got match bumps. For everyone; it is [i]Master[/i] CatsEye now. I scored the whole match and only had one mistake . That was caught anyway . Now dig out those lights and get ready for the day/night match on Nov. 17th.
  15. Couldn't ask for better weather in November. I am wound up for the match and looking forward to seeing everyone there. Friday Partly cloudy. High of 66F. Winds from the WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Friday Night Clear in the evening, then overcast. Low of 48F. Winds less than 5 mph. Saturday Partly cloudy. Fog early. High of 75F. Winds from the SSW at 5 to 15 mph.
  16. Just got back from the range and it looks great. The stages are almost all set. I look forward to shooting it and seeing everyone there.
  17. Scores are done. They should be up on MCTS shortly. Thanks to everyone that came out. And another BIG thanks to Dale S. for his work on the range and making this match go. That was HOGNUT.(Michael).


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