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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. 990 Coon Creek Rd. Dickson on a GPS brings you right to the turn off. Just follow the drive across the bridge and into the field to park. The MCTS range is up the hill to the left. 36.062222,-87.484218
  2. Saturday, 19 54 | 36 °F Clear 0% Chance of Precipitation Looks like it will be a great day for shooting. As always, new safe shooters are welcome and encouraged. This is a great sport and a lot of fun. Hope to see you there.
  3. Thought you guys would like this. "Mutt-Muffs"
  4. This is a pic from the early 70's showing the AR platform has been used for hunting almost since it came into civilian hands. This is from upstate NY where my Dad and my Uncle were woodchuck hunting. Dad also used a Ruger #1 22-250 for the really long ones.
  5. I'll pile on the Shadow bandwagon. Black GSD. This is Shadow and me watching the Christmas parade last year. 100 lbs. of pure goofyness.
  6. Hope this holds out. Sat Jan 12 71°F 51°F Mostly Cloudy Chance of rain: 20% Wind S at 13 mph
  7. Hook, line, and sinker. It just gets "funner" from here. M&P pro.......if you can find one. Comp-Tac holster.
  8. Guys instead of burning through a hundred rounds standing in a line somewhere, come out and shoot this match. You will draw and shoot 13 times with one weak hand start. Move and shoot. And shoot from cover. Shots from 5 yds. out to 20 yds. You are only competing against yourself and the timer. We shoot it the same every time so it is a benchmark of your progress. You do not have to be a MCTS or IDPA member to shoot. But you do have to be an IDPA member for your scores to get uploaded and saved.
  9. I hate to miss the classifier but also glad to get to shoot the shotgun match in Feb. Guys instead of burning through a hundred rounds standing in a line somewhere, come out and shoot this match. You will draw and shoot 13 times with one weak hand start. Move and shoot. And shoot from cover. Shots from 5 yds. out to 20 yds. You are only competing against yourself and the timer.
  10. The action pistol games are just that, games. But you will become much more comfortable with your firearm, drawing, and reloading. Along with moving targets and moving and shooting. To the question, I have shot IDPA, and others for two years with one official class with Ben Stoeger(USPSA production champ). We are trying to bring Larry Vickers in this year. I hope that works out.
  11. It's not paranoia when they are actually after you. :hiding:   Welcome to the board.
  12. Thanks for joining. There is definitely some work in front of us.
  13. Tennessee is a great state. You will love it. Welcome to the board.
  14. I asked Hognut about that and he said they are there on the front page. Look down towards the bottom   Or just Click Here.
  15. That is what I use also. It is a great holster. They are one of our club sponsors, so I always like to hear people buying from them.


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