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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Each stage is thirty rounds. Two fifteen plus mags will work. With some ammo manipulation.
  2.   I'm still cold from that day. Carla and I will be there.
  3. Doc Holliday: Why Johnny Tyler! You madcap! Johnny Tyler: Doc? Doc Holliday: Where you goin' with that shotgun? Johnny Tyler: MCTS, where else?
  4. You do not have to be a member of Gallatin Gun Club or IDPA to shoot this match. It is a great one for new shooters to come to. Straight forward shooting and reloading skills benchmark. 14 different "strings" of fire and 90 rounds total(bring extra though). Wait by the gate; someone will be along to let you in.
  5. Great to have you. Quite a few folks from Hendersonville on here.
  6. Saturday, 9 Partly Cloudy 57 | 43 °F Partly Cloudy 0% Chance of Precipitation   Rain has been hard on the classifier at Gallatin. Rained out and then almost rained out on the rescheduled day. Maybe this one will get in.
  7. Scores are done and emailed to everyone that I have an email for. They should be on the website shortly. I hope everyone enjoyed the match. We shoot all those disciplines through the year and more.
  8. The snowstorm was nuts. Thanks to all who came out and helped set-up and tear down. It was an amazing help. I'll get the scores done shortly.
  9. Wow! The course of fire looks incredible. The guy that designed this must be amazing. Should be a great day of shooting.
  10. There is only one stage with concealment required, but I think everyone will have a jacket. We will try and make sure everyone has a great day at the range and leaves wanting to come back.
  11. Nice to have you aboard. You can PM me any questions about IDPA and I will try and answer. My wife shoots IDPA to and loves it.
  12. Hognut(Michael)will have 9mm ammo for sale at the range. $25 per hundred. Hopefully if you have been on the fence about coming out and trying our sport, this will entice you.
  13. We will get there by 7:00 am to start setting up. Any help is appreciated. You can see what is going on and see the stages being put together. New shooters meeting will begin by 8:30. Hope to see everyone there.
  14. Great match today. Scores are done and sent out in email. Should be posted on the website shortly.
  15. Hello and welcome. Jump in anywhere.
  16. Glad you found us. This is a great group of guys. My wife shoots a PPQ in IDPA. She loves it.
  17. Just ran up there. Parked up front, walked right in, found Sam and David, got some powder and got out of there.
  18. Scores are done and emailed out to everyone I have emails for. Congrats to Catseye for the win, with Hognut a very close second. Next match is Jan. 27th. All steel. Feb. 2cd is the Groundhog Day Intro to Competitive Shooting Match.
  19. Weather looks great. Come out and shoot. How to se you there.
  20. "....background checks on private sellers." This will lead to registration. Maybe the most worrisome point for me. Otherwise mostly fluff.


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