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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Quit hogging my praise! I think I see a cz in my future.
  2. Of course if I had known you had an itchy trigger finger, I would not have been hackin' on you.
  3. You didn't get a procedural. We talked about it at lunch and I now understand it........ I think.
  4. Another great match at Gallatin. Super weather and great stages. Thank you RStandley for putting it on.
  5. John Barraso on now. Can Rand run and pee while he is speaking?
  6. Great day on the range in the snow. It was beautiful in the hills but a little muddy on the range. Scores are done and e-mailed out. Help today was HUGE!! Thanks to everyone for pitching in.
  7. With the budget cuts at midnight, I wonder if the Interstates will be open :eek:  :confused: ??   As always new, safe shooters are welcome.
  8. Fabulous show, amazing young men. They were visibly mad when they couldn't go get that Iraqi kid. No red cross--one chopper with mini guns and one with .50 cals(I think).   If you haven't read Michael Yon's blog, Here is a story about the "Pedro's" from 2009.   From Yon's site, "This U.S. Army rescue helicopter parked at Camp Bastion (Helmand) flies with the red cross symbol allowing the enemy to get a better aim at the helicopter.  Unfortunately, by displaying the red cross symbol, the helicopters are not allowed to carry miniguns or other large weapons.  This seems a rather questionable decision given that the Taliban and other enemies could not give a hoot about law.  It is unclear why the Army decided that a red cross provides more protection than miniguns."
  9. This is the mural in the gym of my local high school. I am surprised there isn't an effort to get rid of it. I would call it fairly conservative school still. My daughter had Ayn Rand's "Anthem" on her summer reading list.
  10. A lot of new shooters, a bunch from the military, guys from other clubs and the rest of us made for a great day. Steel is frustrating--I flat out mow down two polish plate racks and then have trouble with a regular plate rack. :screwy:
  11. Broox you should have shot a wheel gun also and came away with two first place finishes.
  12. That was a lot of fun. We do a steel match ever fourth Sunday of different disciplines. Working on the scores right now.
  13. Hognut says new Port-O-Jons in at the range also. They are the handicap accessible and therefore larger ones. You won't have to worry about dropping your pistol down in the tank anymore. Weather has changed a little but still will be nice. 55 °F Clear
  14. Looks like a great day for shooting steel. Steel is a lot of fun and has instant gratification. It can be humbling though. :ugh: Sunday 63 | 43 °F Clear
  15. I think both were for grounding a loaded shotgun. Other DQ'able offenses are; breaking 180° rule(as you face downrange), handling your gun outside of the firing line(at SO's command) or "safety area", handling ammo in the safe area, dropping your gun, and loading your gun or having a mag seated anywhere on the range except on the firing line. And making fun of Hognut's ponytail. :)  
  16. Seems like most of Hendersonville is here.   Great to have you.   Makes me think if we can get the "Adopt a Road" thingy going again; we should get a good crew. I'll talk to Lagerhead this weekend at the range.
  17. I did the same as pcrc11. Cabinets out of my in-laws old kitchen. Works great.
  18. Welcome to the board. Seems like an influx of people from Hendersonville lately.
  19. Awesome day of shooting and I had a great squad. Thanks to Robert for a great match and for buying bags for the targets(kept it from raining).
  20. Nice to have you. Please, any wisdom is appreciated.


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