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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Yes. We sold 2300 last match. I am not sure how much Hognut has left, but I think around 2500. Weather looks amazing on match day if it holds out. Saturday, 6 68 | 50 °F Partly Cloudy Chance of Precipitation 0%
  2. HERE is the link to Dawson's page.
  3. There will be some 9mm for sale at the range Saturday. First come first serve.   Please check out the course of fire. I think it will be a lot fun to shoot.
  4. Hognut will have some 9mm for sale at the range again. Sorry Mark no 10.
  5. Itchy, it is in my trunk, I'll pass it on if you would like to read it.
  6. Big K gave me Andy Stanford's book, "Surgical Speed Shooting". It's really good. Andy Stevens has a dryfire book a lot of people believe in. And Ben Stoeger has a couple of books out that are top notch.
  7. I'm not paying attention to who is the OP. You may not want back in my squad. ;)  Seriously though let your SO and others in your squad know you are looking for help. Members of MCTS can get with lagerhead and go shoot at the range on second Saturdays. That is an open shoot and he knows how to help and is very good with new guys.
  8. We try and squad new shooters with members of our shooting team. They can help with wherever you want. From the draw and grip, rules, movement, how to reload, just about everything. Just let them know what you want help with because not everyone wants advice. I shoot in Gallatin also. Find me or Daniel and squad with us. Try and take more advice from him than me.:blink:
  9. Will fit but I think they are slightly different because of change of barrel length. I think it is dawson that has a chart where you see where your gun hits off a rest, elevation wise, and order sights accordingly.
  10. I was thinking a clay out in stage one as far as possible as a bonus target. Say ten seconds.
  11. Stage five calls for monsters. I just today looked at the masks today. They are actually pretty cool.  Still three shots to kill a monster on your way to Grandma's.
  12. 3+9+9+9=30<br />That would help some.
  13. Have any of the "hang arounds" turned into horny toads?
  14. I forgot about Nashville Armory. Second and forth Tuesday nights. IDPA.
  15. Great to have you aboard. Glad to hear you want to get into IDPA. There are several clubs around the area. Gallatin Gun Club shoots on the second Saturday every month. My club, Music City shoots on the first, and third Saturdays and forth Sundays. Green River in Bowling Green shoots forth and fifth Saturdays. All are very welcoming to new shooters. Check out the competition section of the board for announcements.
  16. Volunteer and go work it if you think they need the help. I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Glad it went through for you. :up:
  18. Will be a fun match for everyone. Challenging for the regular shooters and new shooters alike.   It's going to happen :ugh:.  You might as well get some practice in :stare: .
  19. Scores are done. Congrats to CatsEye for the win with gsbell a very close second. I hope everyone had a great time and thanks to all who helped out.   The forth Sunday steel match is set for March 24th.   And then you will need to get ready for the MCTS Zombie Match on April 6th. I think this will be an amazing match to attend. Very fun, fast and challenging. A round count of around 150 spread across 6 stages.   Any questions you can PM Hognut or me.
  20. It still depends on how many volunteers(and shooters)show up to set up, but it looks like we can have all seven stages going on Saturday. It will be an amazing club level match. Four stages have moving targets of some sort. With the extra stages it will run smoothly and finish on time.   Hognut still has 9mm ammo available at the range.
  21. It looks like it will be warm. If the range is dry it will take some getting used to.


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