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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. For me it is a 4.5" XDm in a Supertuck. Desantis 1 3/4" belt. I do not OC, but I am not super concerned with being made either.
  2. Looks like a great day. Robert always has fantastic stages......I may have to shoot it twice.
  3. I don't shoot it but the best description of skills you need is; Shoot your rifle accurately, Shoot your pistol quickly, Load your shotgun very fast.
  4. Every time someone says "legit", I have to say le-what? And then my wife rolls her eyes.   Weather looks great for Saturday. We are on a roll!
  5. Not sure if the "88 Magnum" is allowed, but if you can find something smaller....come on out. Not sure if any of us have much class to start with.   All safe shooters are welcome.
  6. For me it's (IDPA) shoot the gun dry. That's easy. Switching to don't shoot the gun dry is tough. I think I only ran dry once Saturday.   Jim did you post vids anywhere?
  7. The top guys in SSP all shot M&Ps. In ESP it was XDM's in the top spots, I think. Ten people shot with no penalty time. Six people shot less than 20 points down for the day. Pretty good shooting on around 150 shot round count, and a lot of head shots.   And Itchy, just noticed your score. Great run at the zombies!   I expect we have held back the hordes until at least October. We will again need everyone's help. And hopefully there will be ammo around to do the job.
  8. It was our (MCTS) outlaw rules Zombie Match. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  9. You can't predict zombie outbreaks but I would look around October 19th.   We shoot some kind of match first and third Saturdays and fourth Sunday Steel matches every month.
  10. I was second in SSP(load ten)to Catseye and sixth overall including ESP(load to capacity) shooters. I have been saying it was the most fun I have had.    Until I win one I guess.
  11. Great to have you.<br />Make the trip to Gallatin next Saturday for IDPA.
  12. Scores are done. I did a spreadsheet to keep from screwing up my IDPA software. I can use the IDPA website to put it back together but that site is a little screwy right now. Hognut will get it set for the website sometime shortly. Andy S. wins ESP and  High Overall with Norma a few seconds behind him. ESP got to load their evil mags full. Catseye for the SSP win with me a distant second. SSP shot a more politically correct ten rounds only. With ammo the way it is, getting 57 shooters on the range was a big deal. Especially burning through a lot of zombies the way we did. Thanks to all who came out and shot. And BIG thanks to all who volunteered to help.
  13. Well that was spectacular! Great turnout, and a ton of help. <br />Big thanks to all. <br />I have some pics I'll post in a few.
  14. Well I'm not sure how binding any of these things are.
  15. This will seem funnier to you as you try and play catch up. Bring It!!!
  16. Match is almost entirely setup. It looks amazing, if I do say so myself. Can't wait to shoot it.
  17. I know your suspension has dropped but your bumper still seems pretty low. The t-bird(?)still got under though. Quick thinking on the turn away and Amazing situational awareness.
  18. Glad you are OK. Holy-cow! That is one tough SUV.


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