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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Be there by 8:30am to catch the shooters meeting. Shots down range by 9:00am or so.   $20 Per entry for non-members $10 Per entry for members.
  2. I like the classifier. You get to draw and shoot 13 times. And one week hand start. Great match for new shooters. You do not need to be a member of IDPA or MCTS to participate. You will need to be a member (or joining soon)of IDPA for your scores to count.
  3. I'll take Andy and King. We will at least have a good time. :D
  4. Here are some pics of the stages. The "Polish Plate Rack" stage. [url=http://s250.photobucket.com/user/JRFinkle/media/20130526_075721.jpg.html][/URL] Poppers and small head plates. Very small out about 15 yards. [url=http://s250.photobucket.com/user/JRFinkle/media/20130526_080638.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s250.photobucket.com/user/JRFinkle/media/20130526_080652.jpg.html][/URL] "Texas Star" stage. [url=http://s250.photobucket.com/user/JRFinkle/media/20130526_103648.jpg.html][/URL]
  5. Wow! What a match. Steel can be very humbling. Thanks for coming out.
  6. We have most of this match set-up already and it looks great. Two Polish Plate Racks on one stage and two Texas Stars on another. Lots of poppers and head plates including the new, little ones. See you guys there.
  7. Exactly. I've been in TN. 38 years so it's mostly out of my system.
  8. Big thanks to Glock for their support and to GSSF for putting it on. Even BIGGER thanks to all who volunteered.
  9. If anyone sees a 'monkeylizard'--please call for help. :rofl:   This is a specific case but the general question is ,"should an agent of the government be able to stop you and get your papers?" NO!
  10. Working on my own cars makes my blood boil. But unlike the stereotype--all mine are well kept.
  11. Great to have another from Hendersonville.
  12. Doesn't look like any ammo will be available at this match.
  13. Hognut is working on it, but I don't know if he has had any luck.
  14. This is a great match for all shooters and all abilities. There is no drawing--all starts are from low ready and no reloading on the clock. You will need your Glock Box or gun rug to transport your gun between stages. Or use your holster with gun at slide lock. The course calls for 81 rounds but you will need extra for the steel stages, "Glock the Plates" and "Glock'M". The other stage is "Five to Glock". You can show up anytime Saturday from 9am till 3pm or Sunday 9am till 2pm. Registration is online or on the day of the match at the range.
  15. Thanks Robert. I will probably take you up on that.
  16. Michael didn't shoot our first sanctioned match and didn't shoot the second for score. He may have ran out of time on the second but I still don't think he was going for score. I rushed through on SO shoot day to get finished to do other responsibilities.
  17. Thanks. Today is the first day with no pain after work, just a little discomfort. This morning I woke up hurting some. Haven't mailed it yet for reasons of organization. But it is in the car. Just got 200 of my new Rainiers loaded. 147gr hollow points. It looks likes $1.50 a round personal defense ammo. :D I just hope they run OK. Haven't tested. Maybe I should do a couple "desk-pops". I plan on being there early, depending on how I feel.
  18. Will see how I am feeling. But I hate to miss this one.


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