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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    HTC EVO 4G. test

    Strel, I envy you more than you'll ever know! And yes, Androids are the !!
  2. Yep, I got one. I didn't get it until right before the first time I flew out of country (in 2004) and I don't think I've pulled it back out of the safe since I got back. I might wanna look at it. How long are them things good for before you gotta renew?
  3. Most of my list has already been mentioned. I will, however, add Smokey and the Bandit!
  4. kb4ns

    Landlord Problem

    Gotcha. Had me confroozed for a minute there.
  5. kb4ns

    Landlord Problem

    Well now I'm just really baffled as to how he should handle it since "try to work a deal with your landlord" and "buy / keep your own dishwasher" were shot down.
  6. Like 56FordGuy said, due to increasing liability issues, most departments (mine included) have long done away with routine lockout services. I prefer not to do it anyway. I can't believe that out of all the vehicles I opened in the past, I never effed up a car. It would have been a matter of time though. It seems that they could have made the law a little clearer regarding their intentions, though.
  7. So I guess they'd have to carefully sit the bottle in your yard. I was picturing some kids throwing a bottle in your yard.
  8. Is it just me, or does this seem to contradict 62-11-113? It just say LE / Fire personnel performing openings in the line of duty. Says nothing about "emergencies". If an agency has a policy that they'll assist people in opening their car doors when requested to do so, then it would be in the LEO's "official line of duty".
  9. Just my humble opinion here, but Android freakin' ROCKS! If anyone here is considering a phone upgrade and finds themselves confused by all the awesome marketing, here is an Android and iPhone side-by-side comparison worth looking at. Android doesn't spit out near as much hype - mainly because they don't need to. Their products speak for themselves. Android vs iPhone
  10. It seems to me like as soon as someone assembled the "drano bomb", it would explode in short order. How could they assemble it, re-cap it, and leave it in a yard for a victim to pick up without the thing exploding 20 seconds after they put the cap on it?
  11. Welcome to TGO!
  12. Welcome to TGO!
  13. And be safe!
  14. Well have fun!
  15. I just looked at the "No Sign, No Dine" group. Looks like someone there may have some sense. Saw this comment under one of the updates: Of course it hasn't been posted on there long. They'll probably delete it.
  16. I'm gonna laugh on Dec 23, 2012 when all those folks realize they have to run out and buy Christmas presents...
  17. Welcome!
  18. Welcome to TGO!
  19. Welcome!!!
  20. Hee hee. I love stopping someone folks with a "BM" license. It usually makes me chuckle. So much so that I usually let 'em go with only a stern finger wave... Quit yer bellyaching. I remember when I could renew my tags for less than $140 a year. Move to Memphis if you dont believe me. It's sad. Granted that's for specialty plates, but the regular tags are $108.00.


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