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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I went there once. I couldn't taste anything through the cigarette smoke occupying every cubic centimeter of the restaurant. If I recall correctly, I couldn't even find my plate through the smoke to try a bite of the food...
  2. Joy is the funniest one of them all. Did you see the first episode where she locked up the guy who lied about his last name. When asked about it, he said "that's my maiden name". I 'bout fell out laughing!
  3. She hates you too.
  4. No, that's Arica. Here are the officers - Police Women of Memphis : TLC
  5. That she is, sir...
  6. Yep. They're way off on that. There are a couple other things that look a little off on the uniform, but overall pretty close. He needs to learn how to wear a speaker mic. This ain't Paul Blart, Mall Cop...
  7. I have the same feeling. Yep. It is a good show. Everytime I watch an episode of it, I'm reminded just why I went to Traffic. They can have all the baby mama drama! I only know one of the girls. I worked a couple of shifts with Aubrey Olsen in 2006 during "Operation Blue Crush" in the Binghampton 'hood before I went to the suburbs. She's a dern good officer. Very motivated, very proactive.
  8. kb4ns

    about time

  9. That was why I asked him to define "free". Even with replacement ammo and a pass to the show, it took a lot of time and effort. Time is money...
  10. kb4ns

    about time

  11. Mike, will you be starting an "I agree with what was done in the 'I agree with what was done' thread"? If so, I wan't to be the first to agree with your agreeing.
  12. Anybody have a pancake shop in the Shelby County area? I have a hankerin'...
  13. And yes "buttered you up" was a pancake reference!
  14. I knew this day would come. That's why I buttered you up with Glock goodies...
  15. If you had an occasional rant, I'm sure no one would notice. However, if you scoured the internet looking for every negative article involving a lawyer and rushed here to post it, and you did such 2 or 3 times a day (sometimes more), you'd get some warnings I'm sure. And if it continued, you'd likely get the axe. This is David's world, but I'm willing to bet that's the way it'd be.
  16. Awesome!
  17. Well it was funny! I stand behind you 110% David. Just like any profession, LE has its bad apples. I see where you're coming from - just because LEOs carry a gun while working doesn't mean anything they do is "firearm related". I had gotten to where I just ignored most of TMMT's threads because that dead horse carcass was starting to become rather pungent.
  18. Define "free" for me... Seriously, I hope he stands by his word and does what it takes to make it right!
  19. Yep. Too much time on the road today!
  20. Thanks Bronk. Funny thread. And now I understand that they're interested in their pancakes over there...
  21. I guess my 3 day getaway with no internet access made me miss too many good threads. I have no idea where all the pancake stuff came from, but you guys are making me hungry...
  22. There's a Confederate Museum on Camp Street if you're into the civil war era stuff. I really wanted to go last year when I was down there, but they were closed for remodeling. Should be back open now.
  23. I agree with it as well. My only question is about his avatar. Did TMMT change it to that to be a smart-a$$ before being banned, or is that TGODavid's work? If it's the latter, that's effin hilarious!


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