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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Awesome. I'm very glad to hear it!
  2. I wouldn't suggest it. I know she could take me and I'm 6'5 265 lbs...
  3. Yeah, I got a little bent outta shape at first, too. Then came to the same conclusion.
  4. Would you be working your "boyish charm"?
  5. Yep. Drives me INSANE! Keep it up buddy. One of these days, you'll run across one of the guys that looks like me, but ain't!
  6. This was discussed not long ago. Here ya go: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/general-off-topic/41022-important-warning.html
  7. Sadly, now-a-days, I have to hang my head and say "yes"...
  8. If you're looking for "grind" work in video, might I suggest "Silicone Valley" in California?
  9. Yeah, wasn't it you who said "I need to see a doctor. I think I have ADH... oooh look, something shiny!!!"?
  10. They'll shoot you unless you're a 15 year old baby. Oh wait. No, they'll shoot you regardless. And like others have said, 15 ain't no baby these days... What we have with Mexico is a serious double standard. How dare we secure our borders and not let them sneak in! But, we better secure our borders so that no more evil weapons get snuck into Mexico (even though FBI reports show that very few weapons go to Mexico)! How dare we shoot a person who is assaulting an LEO and has been warned to stop? Nevermind the fact that Mexican authorities will shoot you just for evading! How dare we simply deport illegals in this country when illegal entry into Mexico is a #&%#&*@ FELONY and they will throw you in prison!!! I'm so sick of this !!!
  11. I'm no truck driver, but I do believe that driving in pouring rain sucks regardless of the time of day...
  12. kb4ns

    HTC EVO 4G. test

    I still hate you strel!
  13. Most of the pics were good, but I liked these the best:
  14. It's bolt action, so it might be legal in Kalifornia...
  15. Yep. My last renewal took over 6 months. I got the letter in Sept saying that the renewal was processing. Didn't get the new HCP until April.
  16. I heard that BP figured out a way to keep the leaking oil well in the Gulf from putting out so much. They put a wedding ring on it...
  17. That's awesome!
  18. LMAO!!
  19. Nope. Pass away. I hope you meant far right lane. If not, he was in the wrong. TCA 55-8-115 ( Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
  20. I reckon I'm just back-assward. I spent some years on midnights and loved it. Even now that I've been on dayshift for almost 2 years, I can't get used to days. On my off days, I'll stay up 'til 6am and then go to bed until 2pm. I have to fight myself to go to bed early.
  21. I might have to. The bad thing is, last time I was there was back when I was a smoker, and I still couldn't stand it! That was quite a few years back. I'll have to try it again sometime.
  22. Didn't you say something about committing or quitting??
  23. Ahhh. I've seen her around a few times. Never talked to her. Next time I see her, I'll try and find out if she's married. Wait a minute, aren't you married??


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