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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Sorry to hear of your loss, Arko.
  2. I wouldn't be particularly concerned with the speed of the weiner coming at me. I'd be more concerned about the weiner itself. Thank goodness I've never found myself in that predicament...
  3. You've received great, dead-on answers thusfar. It seemed to me that in the original post, you put too much emphasis on her car. Ownership of the car (or gun for that matter) are completely unrelated to the issue. Like others have stated, possession is the key. Now go get her signed up for a HCP class!
  4. Or free fill up with car wash...
  5. You're right, Crimson. Can I borrow... hang on while I do the math... $1397.00?
  6. You're killing me. "I will not spend anymore money this month... I will not spend anymore money this month..."
  7. Welcome to TGO!
  8. Welcome to TGO!
  9. Welcome to TGO!
  10. Welcome to TGO!
  11. Even when you're "caught up", you'll find yourself up late at night on here! Welcome to the community!
  12. kb4ns


    Welcome to TGO!
  13. Welcome!
  14. Welcome to TGO!!!
  15. Welcome to TGO!
  16. Welcome!
  17. kb4ns


  18. Yep. I got one back when you could pick 'em up for $69 and kick myself daily for selling it! :-\
  19. This is just terrible.
  20. I would be, too. They drive like maniacs!


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