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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. +1
  2. So it's back at Freeman Park now?
  3. As far as the "home FFL kits", I purchased one about 4 years ago in the hopes to get my 01 FFL. I intended to do some selling (maybe gunbroker style) and also hoped to use it to acquire some guns for myself at a bargain price. The "kit" basically gives you ideas on how to circumvent the regulations that are now in place to prevent "kitchen table" FFLs. Pretty much a rip-off. Like was stated in a previous post, the ATF will expect business hours, a business license, etc. Even if you can skirt by on most of the regulations, I believe the ATF requires your licensed premises to be zoned commercial (eliminating most - or all - homes). Become friends with a local FFL and get your C&R to enjoy some benefits.
  4. I can do that... if you give me a few hundred rounds and about 30 minutes...
  5. That would be my biggest issue with the whole deal. I respect a business owner's right to treat their property anyway they choose. I do, however, take issue with this man and his serious movements toward anti-gun legislation. Why would it have been so hard for him to just post his property and be done with it?
  6. I don't think it'd matter. As long as he has most of the media behind him, I think he knows he'll get away with it.
  7. A young Marine officer was severely wounded in the head by a grenade, but the only visible permanent injury was to both of his ears, whichwere amputated. Since his hearing wasn't impaired he remained in the Marine Corps. Many years later he eventually rose to the rank of Major General. He was, however, very sensitive about his appearance. One day the general was interviewing three Marines, prospects for his headquarters staff. The first was an aviator captain, and it was a great interview. At the end of the interview the general asked him, "Do you notice anything different about me?" The young officer answered, "Why, yes, Sir, I couldn't help but notice that you have no ears." The general got very angry at his lack of tact and threw him out. The second interview was with a logistics Lieutenant, and he was even better. The general then asked him the same question, "Do you notice anything different about me?" He replied sheepishly, "Well, Sir, you have no ears." The general, now really pissed, threw him out also. The third interview was with a Marine gunnery sergeant, an infantryman and Staff NCO. He was articulate, looked extremely sharp and seemed to know more than the two officers combined. The general wanted this guy, and went ahead with the same question, "Do you notice anything different about me?" To his surprise the sergeant said, "Yes, Sir, you wear contact lenses." The general was very impressed and thought, what an incredibly observant NCO, and he didn't mention my ears. "And how do you know that I wear contacts?" the General asked. "Well, Sir," the gunny replied, "it's pretty hard to wear glasses with no friggin’ ears."
  8. Wonder if they'd let you exchange them if you managed to get out of the store with water-damaged ammo? There are plenty of signs in most wally world stores about all ammo sales being final, no matter what.
  9. I like this one a lot! Keeps the sheep from shuddering too much!
  10. I like it! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Glad he helped you out. I was gonna suggest the Bredesen Fish -
  12. Not one bit, sadly.
  13. I got a letter from Obama today advising me that I would be receiving 60 of your posts that I didn't "earn". My dog (a democrat) will be applying for a TGO profile soon as she is entitled to 500 posts...
  14. Our government might just be just stupid enough to spend thousands of dollars to track him down and prosecute him for doin' it...
  15. I need to put it on mine, too.
  16. Yep. When I was a kid, I would stand right behind the carport and wait for them to fly out (to a location where my "backdrop" was safe) and I'd actually shoot them out of the air with a BB gun. They're big for an insect, but still small enough to use for challenging targets. I had a much steadier aim as a youngin' too.
  17. Me+knife+belt sander would = disappointment. And maybe an E.R. visit...
  18. Haven't seen this on TGO (please forgive me if I overlooked it). This video will help in visualizing Obama's "budget cuts". Quite interesting. Visualizing Obama's budget cuts. [VIDEO]
  19. Check out this link: Carpenter Bees | University of Kentucky Entomology
  20. Thought those were "carpenter bees"? And yes, they LOVE burrowing into wood. Had to deal with them in the carport when I was growing up.
  21. I think he meant it would be easier for us to know when a building is "properly posted", not easier for someone to actually post.
  22. "No", as in you've never used one? Or "no" as in they're not gimmicky? Or "no" as in they suck, stay away?
  23. Hang on David, I think I can use those words together without offending. Here goes: If you are a good shot with your pistol, you can hit a Milwaukee's Best or Natural Light can at 50 yards... How was that? It took me a few minutes of thinking to come up with a way to use those words in the same statement!
  24. kb4ns

    Blue Tooth?

    I think so. I have one that I bought for that exact purpose but the phone ended up swimming before I got around to taking the adapter out of the package, so it's still brand new. PM me if you're interested, I can probably make you a heck of a deal. EDIT: I just listed the USB Bluetooth adapter in the trading post's Non-Firearm Classifieds section.
  25. Yep. My personal phone is a Droid and browsing the site rocks! My work PDA is a HTC Touch Diamond running Windows and it's "ok", but the droid is great!


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