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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. You can shoot any pistol caliber with the following exceptions: S&W 500 mag, S&W .460XVR, and 5.7x28. The type of gun doesn't matter, as long as it is a pistol caliber. So your Tommy gun or a 9mm AR would be ok. Full auto is allowed as well if you've got a Classs III. On Saturday nights from 6pm to 9pm Range USA also has "AR-15 & Shotgun night". You can shoot any shotgun with your own ammo, you have to buy and shoot their frangible ammunition for an AR-15. Hopefully I'll make this one!
  2. Yep. There was a nice stink over the thousands of dollars spent (during a no-raise year) on the stupid signs... They'll always be North though Northeast to me.
  3. Probably not long.
  4. +1 on the whole "don't get a tattoo while drunk" thing. When I was on the fire department and was fresh outta EMT school, I had a bit too much to drink one night and visited a tattoo parlor. I had wanted a tattoo on my left arm for quite some time and had the design all planned out. It was a neat looking star of life in the center with a sinus rythm (the "heartbeat" you see on the heart monitor) that would run all the way around my upper arm. I got the tattoo and it looks good except for one detail. I was a bit too lit to notice that the sinus rythm was upside down. Most folks would never notice, but it looks kinda stupid to anyone with a working knowledge of EKGs. :-\
  5. Yessir we do. I live in 326's ward. MPD has broken the entire city down into wards. In Bartlett, we call them districts, but MPD chose "wards". The first letter of the ward denotes which precinct it falls under. 1XX is North, 2XX is South, 3xx is East, etc. Their radio number is whatever ward they are working, followed by their shift. For example, the East precinct car that rides the area I live in on midnights would be "326 Alpha" on the radio. I haven't watched the show yet. I DVR'd it. Hopefully I will get a chance to tonight. From what I saw in the previews, it does look quite a bit off.
  6. Well that's because they aren't a charity. They're a lobbying organization. I might could give you a few reasons not to join. But, I could give you a ton more reasons on why you SHOULD join. Most of those reasons are in Congress...
  7. Nice!
  8. Pancakes? The new benefactor image looks better, IMO.
  9. Well, he did have a chat with his doctor. But that was only after wasting hundreds of dollars on products he saw advertised on the internet and late-night TV by "Smiling Bob"...
  10. Like jack, most of my posts are full of hot air...
  11. Apparently. I love the womens! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ0TeXzt0e8
  12. I have no idea how it got there. I don't think I comment on that much. Never paid much attention to the post count really.
  13. Wow! And dang!
  14. Looks like you had fun. Way too much to comment on. I will say congratulations on finding a woman that takes 3.5 days to go through a roll of toilet paper! My wife and daughter can wipe out a roll in one day easy!
  15. kb4ns

    Apple iOS 4

    I wonder how much cash changed hands over that one???
  16. kb4ns

    Apple iOS 4

    Saw this on Cisco's website: Cisco and Apple Agreement on IOS Trademark - The Platform
  17. Did she give you a second chance?
  18. Welcome!
  19. Welcome to TGO!
  20. I can't even bring myself to go back to the pic to look for myself...
  21. Hmmm. I'm still not seeing the benefactor png's. Wonder why.
  22. Haha! I love your way of thinking Sgt. Joe!


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