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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    Post Much?!?!

  2. kb4ns

    Post Much?!?!

    Keepeth on and ye may feel the loving touch of TGODavid cometh down upon thou post count...
  3. I'm glad they've changed their ways if they have. I've probably purchased 5 or 6 guns there in the past. The last time I was there about 6 months ago (the first time in a couple of years), the salesman who helped me treated me pretty well and I ended up buying a gun. But while I was waiting on them to enter the BG check info and get a response, I watched one of the other salesmen treat another customer like a moron and the customer did nothing to deserve the treatment. I haven't been back since. The two older guys that work in there are usually really nice (the one that works on the wheel gun side is SUPER nice!).
  4. Yep. Quick shipping and you can't beat the price. I got an email form Jimmy at kholster.com the other day. I think they're having a sale right now. I have 2 kholsters and like them both.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome to TGO!
  7. kb4ns

    Apple iOS 4

    I think he's referring to true multi-tasking abilities. Android has actually had it for 2 or 3 years, I believe. With the G1 I had a couple of years ago, I could listen to Pandora, download a video, and browse the internet at the same time surprisingly fast.
  8. You do not have to carry the gun you qualify with. Many people do exactly what you are suggesting. Just make sure that you practice, practice, practice with whatever you end up carrying!
  9. Well the three word thread was kinda neat and I enjoyed it from time to time, but too many folks would get on there and post 10 posts in a row about nothing. Daniel, I did like your last post.
  10. Can someone explain to me why so many folks care about post count?
  11. What a dumb*ss!
  12. kb4ns


    I know with the Android phones, you can change the settings in one of the menus, but I'll spare the instructions as they wont do you any good. I'm sure there has to be a way with the iPhone.
  13. kb4ns


    Ok, so I finally downloaded Tapatalk for my Android. So far, I really like it. Well worth the three bucks. Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
  14. Yep. Things ARE heating up, aren't they? I was wondering why this was reported on an Australian news site, then I saw their source... the National Enquirer. Ugh.
  15. Hahaha. FAIL!
  16. Me too!
  17. Yay! Congrats!
  18. Glad y'all had an enjoyable experience! Yes, it's an expensive hobby, but there aren't many hobbies that aren't expensive!
  19. OK, I just sat down with my sammich and cheesy puffs and tried to watch the show. I made it all the up to the part where the girl gets hit by the car and the main character's partner (in the background) says "I need an ambo at my 20!". I just couldn't handle it. It was just way too far off...
  20. You can shoot someone else's Class III as long as they are present with the gun. I'm no expert on Class III weapons, but I do know that much.


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