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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Yep.
  2. This thread reminds me of a quote I heard somewhere (don't remember where). "Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive."
  3. kb4ns

    Gun shows

    July 17 - 18 at the Agricenter, I believe.
  4. Yeah, but I took her with me one day to pick up a gun I transferred in. We were there maybe 15 minutes and she was all over the place and into everything. She'll definitely be going back and to the range with me - when she's a bit older.
  5. Right here with the little one since her mommy was at work.
  6. Yep, I asked them about it one time and that's the reason they gave me. But fear not, you were still paying the tax, they just worked it into the sales price. That's why many folks ended up going elsewhere and buying the same gun cheaper or for the same price after tax.
  7. That's funny right there!
  8. I'd imagine he offers his service to medical professionals to interpret to patients that do not speak english.
  9. Ooooooh look!! Eggs are on sale in China!!
  10. Oh no! You must be mistaken. Handguns are pretty much outlawed in Chicago!! There's no way!
  11. You may want to check here: Tennessee Constable Being in Shelby County, I'm not very familiar with constables. I was in a class last week and both the instructors were LEOs from out in east Tennessee. They told a couple of stories about constables up that way and it seemed the overall opinion of constables is pretty low among other LEOs. At least that's what I gathered from the way they talked. Good luck.
  12. Yep, but that's not good for business... :-\
  13. kb4ns

    Too funny!

    Funny stuff.
  14. Welcome to TGO from "Aggravated Assault County"!
  15. Sgt. Joe, how dare you interrupt us to get back on topic???
  16. Well, I thought about it after I posted it. This thread would look quite odd if his posts weren't here...
  17. HAHAHA! My side hurts...
  18. No, it's an opinion. That is all.
  19. That's what I thought anyway...
  20. I don't think it's what you're talking about that's the problem, it's how you word it that brings issue. I think the iPhone is behind the curve, wouldn't have hardly any fans without PR people that are better than their product, and I absolutely despise Apple due to their long history of sh*tty practices. However, I wouldn't ever start a thread about their product being inferior. If I did (for some strange reason), I sure as heck wouldn't title the thread "iPhone sucks" or whatever it was. You're doing stuff like that to spark a reaction, then b*tch and moan when you get one. Besides, if there was no iPhone, Android wouldn't have any competition and wouldn't be getting better. They would have made one decent phone and stopped there. There will always be people who hate Glocks and love 1911's. There will always be people who argue that open carry is better than concealed carry. There will always be those people who think iPhones are the best thing since sliced bread. No need to go starting threads just for the sake of rubbing folks the wrong way. We need an "ignore" option like facebook has, where you can choose a person to ignore and no longer see any of their activity...
  21. Kinda looks like your avatar, too...
  22. kb4ns

    Post Much?!?!

  23. kb4ns

    Post Much?!?!

    Well said!


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