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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. +10000
  2. Very well said! The wiki doesn't even come close to giving you a fraction of the story. Pick up the book - God was definitely with him! I heard a good bit of the story at his speech today and WOW!
  3. He'll be in my prayers. Please keep us posted.
  4. So it gives you less miles per gallon AND costs more? I don't forsee this making it very long...
  5. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor. He is a decorated Navy Seal who has quite a story from a mission in Afghanistan. You can read about it here- Marcus Luttrell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I, along with a few of my co-workers, had the pleasure of escorting this hero from Shelby Farms (where he gave a speech to a group of tea party members) to the Bartlett Station Municipal Center for an awards ceremony. I was lucky enough to be able to listen to the speech he gave at Shelby Farms, in which he talked about his encounter in Afghanistan. I guess his speaking about the experience helps him cope. I don't think I'd be able to talk about it had I survived such an ordeal (actually, I don't think there's any way in hell that I WOULD have survived the ordeal). I intend to pick up his book sometime and would encourage any of you military book lovers out there to do the same. After the escort, I had the opportunity to speak with him very briefly and thank him for his service. There was a professional photographer there who took pictures of all of us together, but I had my buddy snap a picture of just the two of us.
  6. Welcome to TGO!
  7. Get your Yard Signs! | Ron Ramsey for Governor
  8. I don't believe we know for sure. Historic Analysis
  9. Touchy subject. There are some of us here who have no need for shampoo anymore...
  10. +1 I haven't had a Jones Soda in a while, but they are good.
  11. Can't help him on the ins & outs of Cleveland State since I went through Shelby County's academy, but I will say to tell him congratulations! Just make sure he has his butt in shape! That's one thing that is consistent with all the academies - you'll PT 'til you vomit.
  12. Welcome to TGO!!
  13. Welcome to TGO!
  14. Amen. They're all crazy, but it's always good when you have one that is less crazy than most!
  15. Technology has helped a lot with this issue. Gone are the days of asking the dispatcher to give you the description of the person on the license in an attempt to make sure it's the right person. Now, when I run a DL (or search for one by name/dob/ssn/etc), their picture pops up right there on my computer screen. One thing I would keep in mind - the State's computer in Nashville that we check DL's and HCP's on goes down all the freakin' time. Sometimes it'll go down for an extended period of time. I'd think your likelihood of having a bad day would go up if the officer couldn't even look up your DL / HCP to verify your status. I haven't run across that situation yet, but the demeanor and presentation of the person I stopped would have a lot to do with the outcome. As always, YMMV...
  16. That's funny. The questions & answers at the bottom are good, too.
  17. kb4ns

    Bud's Gunshop


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