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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Your music videos are no match for his level IIIA body armor...
  2. Hey! I used to have one of those! You really shoulda known better!!
  3. In before the lock! I say that because this thread REALLY needs to be locked...
  4. I've heard he was some fancy shooter, but don't know much more than that.
  5. I agree. I just thought I remembered seeing a disclaimer that basically amounted to a "we're not covering it no matter what happens". Might not be SWA's policy, but I think some airlines are that way when it comes to guns (US Airways IIRC).
  6. Don't most airlines have disclaimers stating that they won't cover any damages to firearms? I'm thinking I recall seeing something about that in the past when flying.
  7. Update - I soaked it overnight in mineral spirits. Cleaned it up today and re-lubed it. That got rid of the "stuck" feeling. Now it just has the standard heavy trigger pull. When the new Wolff springs decide to show up, I'll post an update.
  8. Sure hate to hear that! Hopefully they'll make things right! Keep us posted.
  9. Yep. Maybe find someone else without a C&R and see if you can buy them at the same time. That way you can save a buck or two on shipping to the FFL dealer in your area. That's about the only way you could do it. In the mean time, get the ball rolling on getting your C&R license!!
  10. Congrats on the new crib, MM. I was born & raised right off of Berclair myself. Still inside the loop right now (Colonial area). As far as Herb Parsons Lake, I haven't fished there in years. Last time I did, the bream were biting great off the bank. Never had any luck with anything else there.
  11. kb4ns

    Dad Life

    Fiunny. Straight to my facebook it goes...
  12. I'm (somewhat) familiar with Primus. My "WTF?" was in regards to the strangeness of the video.
  13. kb4ns


    Welcome!! +1!
  14. Thanks for sharing that.
  15. That is pretty neat. The only thing better than old military stuff is old military stuff with family ties!
  16. Thanks. I might try that. There was no visible cosmoline on it. I did a basic field strip and cleaned it like you would any other pistol. There may be a need to do what you suggested.
  17. Just for the record, when you die, nobody makes you pay for anything anymore...
  18. WTF??
  19. Well that explains why you're on TGO. You can burn a few hours here easy!
  20. This cannot be emphasized enough!


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