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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I'm sure the other amendments will be covered. The question is how will they be covered? :-\
  2. Do you mix some liquor in you last cup of coffee to help ease the transition?
  3. I believe that feeling you get when holding an older gun is called "fatigue". I love many pieces made from various materials. All in all, I think the guns made now-a-days are - for the most part - more reliable than yesteryear's models. I like the lighter weight and increased capacity that is available in the current production guns. Just like cars, everyone has their own preference, but I sure don't hate the progress the gun manufacturers have made.
  4. That's insane.
  5. It's almost too easy...
  6. As a former campus police officer, I can personally attest to the fact that the college athletes (at the U of Memphis anyway) are not held to a higher standard. In fact, quite the opposite is true. I watched them get away with many things that you or I would do time for. I've never been a sports guy, but if I was, I definitely think I'd have a hard time supporting the program after my time there.
  7. The latter usually comes with the former...
  8. I find that I get a better response outta the ladies when I don't hide under furniture after paying them a compliment...
  9. FTW!
  10. Mike, that's referred to as a "life rule" and applies 100%. I was simply referring to the law.
  11. Yep. Tarantino always left me disappointed until he did Inglourious Basterds. That movie rocked! I think it's because his movies were always so hyped up by the time I saw them that I expected too much. Only thing I can figure.
  12. It's Jack. You were expecting......?
  13. That's it. Tomorrow, I'm gonna call you at 6am on my way in to work just to shoot the breeze...
  14. Another +1 What about the boys? You'll have fun. Take the advice from those above who know the area and you'll be fine. The zoo here is awesome. My wife has bought a family membership there the last few years. She and my 3 y/o daughter go all the time.
  15. Sorry buddy, but there's no such thing as "her's" in a marriage. You own it too! It's referred to as "community property". To remain on thread - My wife and I don't buy many movies unless we rent them first and really like 'em. However, she purchased Reservoir Dogs which is among the dumbest of any movie I've sat all the way through. Tarantino does have some good work (Inglourious Basterds), but Reservoir Dogs was a very simple story line, only chopped up and re-arranged and with people named after colors...
  16. Someone with a C&R may sell a gun from their collection to an individual. However, you can't order one with that intention. It's a big no-no. If I have mine for a while then decide I need money or just don't like it, I could sell it to you, but I couldn't just order one for you.
  17. Too cool
  18. Ever get it up & running?
  19. I prefer late, late nights. Unfortunately, I have to get up early for work, but I'm definitely a night owl.
  20. He meant to say "no"...


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