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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Remember to hydrate!
  2. Welcome to TGO!
  3. Welcome to TGO!
  4. Welcome to TGO!
  5. Welcome to TGO!
  6. Welcome to TGO!
  7. Welcome to TGO!
  8. Sounds like you may not have to worry about the "mandatory class". From TCA 39-17-1351: You may wanna check with the Dept of Safety to see what documentation you need. Before this was the law, I didn't have a HCP (just carried as a cop). When they changed it to exempt LE / Military from the class requirements, I just took my POST certificate into the Driver Service Center, filled out he application, paid the fee, did my fingerprints, and sat back and waited for the HCP to show up in the mail. Welcome to TGO and thanks for your service to the country!
  9. Seems to be the way it is here. When I worked for Univ of Memphis Police, we allowed ride-alongs with the standard-issue waiver completed. Of course, that's state LE, not city. I dunno if Memphis PD allows it or not. I wanna say they do, but I'm not 100% sure. I think all departments should allow it. It gives a prospective LEO the chance to see what it's really like. I did a ride-along with a buddy who worked for a small town before I ever got into LE. It really opened up my eyes. That's when I learned that the job was not quite what hollywood had led me to believe it was!
  10. Hopefully someone will come along. I'd tell you to take a trip down the road to Bartlett and you could ride with me, but for some reason we don't have a ride-along program. I'm not sure why, but our policy says it's only allowed in "certain situations when approved by the Chief of Police". I asked once a few years ago when a friend's son wanted to ride and was told no. :-\
  11. The more realistic version......
  12. kb4ns

    Ain't. No. Way!

  13. To continue Tap & Rack's theme:
  14. Pics please. Your avatar doesn't count! And congrats!
  15. Apparently I could take 29 of them. You know, if they started singing, one could probably do the job. Hard for me to fight back when I'm in the fetal position trying to jam my fingers in my ears. I like the question about biting off Bieber fingers if they had you in a deadly choke hold. I'm trying to picture a Bieber actually getting someone in a choke hold...
  16. It's ok. Just entertainment. I get tired of the "trash talk" from either side.
  17. Welcome to TGO!
  18. kb4ns


    What is it they say? Something like "admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations!"
  19. kb4ns


    That was my first thought, too. But I figured "Steelharp must know what this is all about." If you don't know, then I guess there's no hope for the rest of us, huh?
  20. Did you see if you can get your money back? I think you got screwed! I'd try to help, but I can barely keep my own wire jungle running.
  21. kb4ns

    My Koi Pond.

    Holy crap! Need some aspirin? Or dilaudid? Looks good! I bet momma is happy!


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