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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Welcome to TGO!
  2. Welcome!
  3. Welcome to TGO!
  4. kb4ns


    Yep. The officer that provided the owner with a "ride" had to park the crunch-mobile first. He had to spend 10 minutes trying to crank the d*mn thing before he finally got it moved. I think he was about 30 seconds away from calling a wrecker for it!
  5. kb4ns


    There are quite a few in the Memphis area. I would say that there are "way too many", but one is "way too many". F***ing up the suspension & paint job and putting horrendous looking chrome wheels on a car just ain't enough these days...
  6. kb4ns


  7. kb4ns


    Maybe you could go with a "Chiquita Banana" theme on your airplane? You could have the only Banana Bonanza at your local FBO...
  8. I understand what you mean. I never thought I'd see two people I despise so much run against each other. I'm so torn - I wanna see both of them fail miserably.
  9. kb4ns


    Keeping with the topic of "WHY?!"... One of my coworkers was locking up the driver of this fine ride when I had to stop and take a picture.
  10. So my Snoopy pole will be allowed? Or do I still need to go out and buy a Scooby Doo pole?
  11. Been looking at some of the departments' websites. So far, all I've really seen is this: Reserve Police Officers Program Best I can suggest is to start calling (or visiting) police / sheriff offices in your area. Almost every agency in my part of the state has a reserve program. Some have more stringent requirements than others. My department as well as Shelby County and Memphis require reserves to complete a full academy. Other departments require as little as 80 hours of training.
  12. Dang. I knew I should have trusted my gut when I went with the Snoopy pole. One day, I'll be as cool as you guys...
  13. ^^^What he said! Glad you managed to get her free from her imprisonment in that gun shop!!
  14. Yep. I recommend the 50th kit, too. I've reloaded thousands of rounds of 9mm & 45 with no issues.
  15. Welcome!
  16. kb4ns


  17. Wow
  18. That's how I started. With the same department that EMTRN's with now. Used to be able to do reserve after only 40 hours of training. POST just changed the minimum for reserve / part time to 80 hours. Either way, it's still a lot less than the required hours of training for full-timers. I think the SCSO academy was 560 hours when I went through, IIRC. Been a little while. Most departments around here have a reserve program. Yep, POST just recently changed that, too. Now you can only work 6 months before you gotta hit an academy. Not really an issue if the new officer is riding with an experienced officer. Some places would scare the h*ll outta me, though. Some small towns will hire someone and cut them loose on their own to enfore laws with little to no training until they got sent to the academy. THAT is scary!
  19. I did telemarketing for a couple of weeks during the summer before my senior year in high school. Hated it and quit. They made us wear a shirt & tie everyday. I'll never understand why.
  20. Yep. Herenton and Cohen are both idiots (remember Cohen openly comparing Obama to Jesus in congress?), but Herenton is the bigger of two idiots by far.
  21. Yep. I've put hundreds of rounds of PMC .223 down range without any issue.
  22. So you had to work 6.54 hours to afford an hour in the air. With current rates, the FBO employees would probably have to work about 10 to 12 hours to afford an hour in a 152...


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