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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Well, it doesn't seem like I've missed anything. The gun shows have been going downhill for a long time, sadly. :-\ I'd go to look around if admission was free, but I ain't paying 8 or 9 bucks to get into something where I'm not likely to find any deals.
  2. kb4ns

    45 acp

    I had a RIA once upon a time. Never had any issues out of it.
  3. Haha. I never would have thought of that...
  4. Also, we do the same thing for HCP holders (or people lawfully transporting a firearm) who are arrested for an offense that doesn't include the weapon. You wouldn't want to leave the gun in the car if it was going to get parked nearby or towed to a wrecker company's lot. They get a property receipt and come get their weapon back when they bond out. You would be surprised how often we have to do that. There are a lot of HCPs in Shelby County and a heck of a lot of people driving on a suspended or revoked license. Of course, if there is a passenger who can legally possess a firearm, we'll leave it with them when we can.
  5. I can't speak for all departments, but I can tell you what my department does (which is what I assume most departments do). We take it and place it into the evidence room for safekeeping. A property receipt goes with you to the hospital. When you get out of the hospital, you can come pick it up.
  6. It is good to know that, in the event of a zombie attack, the zombie will not put down their beer to go for your brains. I did not know that...
  7. Welcome to TGO!
  8. Hopefully there'll be a few folks that chime in. I know there are a couple here that make a nice leather holster.
  9. I'd definitely try to find some carbide dies. Otherwise, you'd go through a ton of lube...
  10. You can't. Everyone else can.
  11. I guess I'll have to check my local Wally World again. I still haven't seen any 380 at the Memphis area stores in a long time. Maybe people here haven't seen the memo and still think they're supposed to buy it all up the moment they see it.
  12. I believe the case you are referring to is Murdock v. PA - Murdock v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It dealt with Jehovah's Witnesses not door to door salesmen. Either way, you are right in that the court held it unconstitutional to place a tax on one exercising their Constitutional rights.
  13. I was chuckling a little... until the very end when he aimed it at himself. Then I LOLed a bit.
  14. Well, the amount of hate I send your way depends on whether or not you only do agency deals.
  15. My opinion - do it! Magpul makes great stuff. I've been thinking about replacing the MOE on my AR with the ACS. Magpul will rarely disappoint. The MOE rattles a bit and drives me insane, but it's (by far) the cheapest stock they offer and is probably still better than what came on your AR.
  16. I think of that scene just about everytime I glance down at the PA mic in my squad car.
  17. I definitely agree!
  18. Found this while searching for info on the original incident: It's a shame he didn't get the max!
  19. Got any pics of the new toy?
  20. Personally, I agree that I am highly unlikely to go possessin' one of them models. However, I'll maintain the hubbub because it's not their place to tell me I can't have a gun by a certain manufacturer. Hi-Points are God-awful looking, but how would one say they are "unsafe"? Wouldn't it be safe to assume (or am I going too far here?) that this is another way of trying to restrict the poorer residents? The so-called "leaders" of that town are so full of


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