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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Talk about a tough decision!
  2. Kinda looks like Nancy Pelosi...
  3. Is there any other way to make a gun belt?
  4. Nope, I believe he is busy creating a disturbance elsewhere at the moment...
  5. How well does a frozen jug do? Never heard of anyone freezing 'em.
  6. Welcome to TGO!
  7. I checked Wal-Mart on 64 yesterday. No 380 to be seen. The sales guy said he hasn't seen any 380 in a long time. Why won't it pop up more consistently around here?
  8. Amen. I know there are a few guys that listen when they're off-duty. WTF? I don't listen to the damn thing half the time when I'm at work and supposed to be paying attention. Let alone when I'm off!
  9. Quite a coincidence that you posted this today. I renewed my membership on that same link a few weeks ago after someone else here posted it. Got my bag and gift card in today. You can't beat a deal like that!!!
  10. Half joking because you're half right...
  11. Awesome! Glad they had fun while picking up some useful (and potentially life-saving) skills. The instruction staff at RUSA is top notch. My little one will definitely be taking that class when she gets a little older.
  12. Did you try talking to your neighbor to see if they would help you get it fixed (financially)? If it's their tree...
  13. Hope she gets better! As far as my day, I went to work, sat on my rear for a while, met my folks and daughter for lunch after they got out of church, then took a gentleman to see the city jail after he mistakenly thought that pulling over for the police was optional. Dang I hate paperwork. At least I got me some overtime in...
  14. Heeeelarious!
  15. I think it'd be a neat relic to have. If you were closer, I'd take you up on it!
  16. Been there and done that, bro. Luckily, the last one I dented up real bad was my squad car, not my personal ride. Hence the tree guys you saw at my house. Need their number? Seriously, I hope you get the dents out. I know you're a little fond of that jeep...
  17. +1 My only is a girl. She's the best thing ever in my book! Hope it's a happy, healthy baby regardless of the sex!
  18. I don't think I'll be making any holsters anytime soon, but those sure are some neat and informative links. Helps me understand the price behind a good holster!
  19. Welcome to Tennessee and TGO!


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