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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Yep. I have a lot of family in Missouri. When they're in town and I offer them a drink, they always get a kick out of me asking them "What kinda coke you want?" "Pop" is definitely a northern thing and I can't stand it. The biggest thing that'll make me cringe from my MO family members is "yous" instead of "y'all".
  2. Looks more like a calico, but I'm no feline expert. This image was brought to you by Google search...
  3. kb4ns

    Curio & Relics...

    Happy birthday, David!
  4. Does attached to the ceiling count?
  5. kb4ns


    Wow. Takes a lot to make a woman that determined just say to hell with an entire species...
  6. Thanks for the help, guys. I've noticed it to a lesser extent with 9mm loads, but it was terrible with the 45's. I've used a good bit of Universal Clays with 45 loads and haven't had an issue. Guess I'll stick with that until I can pick up some Bullseye or 231 (or both).
  7. I've only been buying from them for 10 years or so, but I too have had nothing but excellent dealings.
  8. Not to mention that Midway has more (read: "cheaper") shipping options - especially when it comes to small orders.
  9. Oh, and for the crimp, I believe I'm using more of a light roll crimp. Using the 4pc Lee die set.
  10. Unique. And you won't insult me. I'm still pretty new to the reloading thing.
  11. So the PD bullets do well? I've thought about buying some, but I've been buying the Berry's plated bullets for a tad bit cheaper and haven't had any problems. Might have to try Precision Delta since their prices are so reasonable on real FMJ bullets.
  12. So it seems like the few sets of 45ACP reloads I've put together perform well, but I always end up with unburned powder on my arms while shooting. What's up with that?
  13. Do handgun bullets never blemish???
  14. Being a newbie to reloading, I've taken a liking to Unique. All I reload right now is 9 & 45, so it's worked out pretty well with all the different bullet types I've tried.
  15. kb4ns

    My new EBT

    Is that not the standard tactical "EPI"? Evil Purple Interior, that is...
  16. I did the CAP cadet program as a youngin' and the Senior Member program working with cadets for a little while before the squadron here at the TN ANG base shut down. The go-to place for CAP uniform stuff is The Hock - www.thehock.com . They have the brown shirts for $4.50, but I can't remember how fast they ship. You might try calling them. The brown shirts are usually readily available at army surplus stores, but most of the army surplus stores around here have shut down. :-\
  17. I'm rather fond of that one too.
  18. Welcome to TGO!
  19. I ordered some stuff from them a couple years ago. Had no problems.
  20. Just find out what kind of systems are in use where you want to scan. Some departments (like Memphis & Shelby County) use APCO 25 systems. They need an APCO 25 capable scanner which usually run upwards of $400. Most anything else you should be able to pick up with a regular 800mhz capable scanner. I've heard that, like dralarms said, Radio Shack makes some of the best. I don't really have any experience with them, so I can't say from personal experience.
  21. That's the name brand "5.11 Tactical". They sould use a hyphen or colon to seperate the name brand from the product description. "5.11 Tactical Brass Belt Buckle" does look funny.
  22. Interesting. I've seen many people shoot into jugs of water, but not ice. I would have thought something that hard wouldn't give you any good idea of how it would perform in "organic matter".
  23. It has something to do with U.S. import laws. I'm sure Glock (who I assume likes making money) would love to sell them here. I remember reading all about the dumb*ss U.S. import laws and why they weren't allowed to import them, but I don't remember where the article was. Personally, why would I want that when I can have a G26 in 9mm which is the same size with the same mag capacity?
  24. So it's okay to do that with any round other than a 50 BMG?


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