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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Funny. Sad, but true...
  2. I've never seen this list before. Just not as good as the other one...
  3. Good info gentlemen and thank you. That's pretty much what I figured, seeing as how I've never noticed a difference in pistol loads with different primers. If I ever get to the point where I shoot enough rifle ammo to justify reloading it, I might try sticking to one brand of primer.
  4. Shoot yeah. It takes a little of your time, but it's something that most who do it enjoy. Be careful, though. You'll find yourself shooting more than you used to since it's more affordable. Not to mention, there's something gratifying about sending a bullet downrange from a round you put together! Have fun and be safe!
  5. kb4ns

    S&W M&P9

    I don't get it. I've only owned one HK handgun. It shot a little to the right, but it never once shot to the rear.
  6. I look like that the moment I enter the same room as the stuff!
  7. That's a lot of work just for an avatar! We gotta teach you how to use Google images!
  8. <<<<< How's that? Seems to me, our feline population has some serious drinking problems...
  9. Well dang. This flick is getting some good reviews. I rarely go see a movie in the theater, but I might have to pony up on this one...
  10. How much difference does manufacturer make on primers? I've used Winchester, Remington, and CCI primers and have never noticed any difference in performance. I've heard that Wolf primers are a little harder than others (IIRC correctly). Other than "hardness", when (if ever) does the primer make a difference? I'm not talking about standard versus magnum. Just one brand versus another.
  11. Hahaha. Seriously, though - if I had to take only one tool with me into the wild, it'd be the Cold Steel SF Shovel.
  12. Yep, but just Wally World. It seems that everywhere else is keeping up with the ridiculous prices ($14+).
  13. Cat? What cat?
  14. In the black bar near the top, you'll see different options - New Posts, Private Messages, FAQ, Calendar, etc. Click on "Forum Options" and "Edit Profile". Once on the "edit profile" page, there is a menu on the left titled "My Settings". Select "Edit Avatar".
  15. Mike.357's avatar reminds me constantly that I'm a dumbass...
  16. I see no broken laws. I see no arm-twisting. I do, however, see a "foul". The man was uneducated about his guns. Somehow, this makes it ok to rip him off? I wasn't there and I don't know what all was said. If, by chance, the salesman made it clear to him that his guns were worth "$xxx" and he would offer him only $80 because of this or that, then it's okay in my book. If, however, the salesman saw a "sucker" walk in the door, I take big issue with that. It's not "just business". It's dirty.
  17. kb4ns

    Home network

    Pretty cool. I've often thought about doing that at my crib, but I intend to sell the house and move within the next few years, so there's no point in all that work.
  18. Scrounged Brass = $0 Self-cast boolits from old wheel weights that were free for the asking = $0 Primers that were given to me by the widow of a family friend = $0 (I'll have to go back to buying primers after the next 3,000 or so are done) Powder is about $22 / pound locally. A pound of Unique will yield over 1200 rounds. At that rate, they cost me about $0.91 per 50 rounds (and my time - which is free for me) If I buy primers, which run about $4 with tax per 100 local (much cheaper in bulk by mail-order), it brings the price to $2.91 per 50 rounds. If I also bought bullets, Missouri Bullet Co charges $36.00 for a 500 count box of 185gr SWC. Brings the investment to $6.51 per 50.
  19. Same here.
  20. Or "Here, hold this bucket and watch this..."
  21. Seen this a thousand times, but it's still funny.
  22. Ironically, I only like it in a few brands of beer - and they're all Mexican. Hmm..... Yes. And we both owe you a big ole hug for letting us use your frequent shopper code for free shipping!!! Yay!!! I owe you another Cosmo next time we meet up for drinks...
  23. Maybe we can all get some cash together and get him one of these fine fanny packs -


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