Well, I'm done with the procedure and have had my nap (thanks valium!), so I figured I'd give you guys an update. When I went in, they started with the left eye. Went without a hitch. They moved on to the right eye. The little suction device (that holds your eye while a laser cuts the flap over your eye) kept popping off of my right eye. The doctor said she'd rather do PRK on the right eye instead of Lasik as she didn't want to chance making a crappy flap and causing healing issues. The difference between the two being that, instead of making a flap to do the corrections, they scrape that top layer of the eye off altogether and then proceed the same way they do with the Lasik. Now there's no flap to heal on my right eye, but I have a "bandage contact" over it to protect the eye while it's healing. My right eye will take longer to heal, but once everything heals up, I should be 20/20 or better in both eyes.
As far as my vision now, the left eye (Lasik) is pretty darn good. I don't have any reason to be worried about it right now. The right eye (PRK) is still somewhat blurry, but I was told that it would take at least a week or two for it to heal up right and provide real good vision. I am already sick of eye drops, though, and I still have a long way to go!