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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I ran across this one. Apparently, takin' this young man's bacon sent him over the edge...
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1leLgTr9ytw&feature=related
  3. I was really starting to wonder if he was trying to be funny or was truly a moron. But the "cow barrel" reference at the end helped me figure it out.
  4. Well, it's the winner in my book! Sad that they took that attitude.
  5. Good info, deerslayer. I think I might shoot for the week of Labor Day if possible...
  6. I really hope you mean the bacon, not the sex...
  7. So did you get picked for a jury, or did you get "sprung"?
  8. I don't understand what their advertising budget would have to do with them providing a quality product. If the advertising does what it should, they ought to be getting more customers and the ads should be more than paying for themselves. I have had State Farm for many years and have no intention of leaving, but I think I would trust Geico. Or Progressive. And I like "Flo"...
  9. I really hope so. Many states (and the federal gov't) have laws against LEOs serving on jury duty. It'd be nice if TN would do the same and save me and the attorneys the waste of time.
  10. Talk about a "jury of your peers"!
  11. That's what it sounds like to me.
  12. Ain't nothin' wrong with getting boots resoled. I resole my work boots whenever the sole gets worn out. No point in spending over $100 on a new pair of boots when I can get them resoled for half of that and they'll last just as long...
  13. kb4ns


    +1. I just renewed for 2 more years.
  14. Did my last renewal by mail. Took almost 6 months. I got the letter shortly after sending the renewal and my check in. After waiting about 5 months, I called and the woman said that as long as I had the letter with my expired HCP, it was good for as long as it took them to renew it.
  15. I think it used to be the Coliseum, but they now use the Cook.
  16. My understanding is that the names are supposed to be chosen completely random by a computer program. Some folks will get called all the time, over and over again, while others may not ever be called.
  17. Thanks robbiev! That was pretty much the specifics I was looking for!
  18. You sure you didn't get the summons from the county (for state jury duty) and that you could be called for Federal service? Anything that's going to be a jury trial (like the vehicle theft) can only be handled on the state level (criminal court in the county of the offense). Municipal courts like Memphis only hear misdemeanors with a judge presiding.
  19. kb4ns

    Retread Tires

    I do what I can!
  20. I actually wouldn't mind the experience of sitting on a jury. It's having to go downtown and sit around for hours on end that doesn't appeal to me! The date I have to report is on a Friday. I assume I'll be told a certain week to come back?
  21. It's been a long time coming and they finally found me. I got a summons for jury duty in the mail today. Unless I get lucky enough to draw a civil suit, I don't think any defense attorney in their right mind would want a cop on their client's jury. Anyways, I have to report to the Cook Convention Center in a couple of weeks. Anybody know how jury duty (the selection process) goes here in Shelby County?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F_G2zp-opg


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