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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    Retread Tires

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's DOT (Federal) that bans the use of them on steering axles. I don't understand what effect pornographic air pressure has on tires. I do, however, believe they won't actually blow until they hit XXXpsi...
  2. He really should have given a shout-out to the pharmaceutical industry. His trip is far more enjoyable thanks to Cialis... I saw this video on Tosh.0 the other day and it is still completely disturbing.
  3. Amen! And then there's the fun of experimenting. So far, I think I've purchased about 7 different types of powder and four different brands of primers, and that's all just for pistol loads.
  4. Oh yes! Glad you had a good experience. The first time I shot one of my own reloads, I was scared to death and expecting the gun to blow up in my hand!
  5. I do believe, in some southern states, that's grounds for divorce...
  6. I see no problem with Target reassigning employees based on their religious beliefs. But the rest of it is bull
  7. You could always right click on the picture and select "Save Picture As..."
  8. Pretty neat picture!
  9. Me neither. That's pretty wicked. Glad he's okay, but I loved the sound.
  10. Same here. Heck, they gave me the gun and make me wear it. Even gave me an 870 for the company car...
  11. kb4ns

    Retread Tires

    That's a very valid point. Proper tire care is critical regardless of the tire. Everything out there may be rumor. Perfect example is how everyone I know who doesn't like wearing a seatbelt says that their granddaddy's brother's sister-inlaw's aunt's third cousin twice-removed was in an accident and would have died if they had been wearing a seatbelt. To hell with the thousands of dead people a year that could have been saved by a seat belt - that one person could have died with one - supposedly. No piece of technology is perfect, but they save way more lives than they cost. With that said, a retread tire that is manufactured correctly is absolutely safe when maintained correctly. After establishing that I could take proper care of a tire, my main concern would be the manufacturer. Are they reliable? Is the new tread applied / cured properly? When it comes to the big guys who retread tires for the commercial industry, the big names are still around because they are doing things right. Would I go with retreads on a vehicle my family rides in? Maybe, but probably not. It'd depend on the manufacturer and their reliability. But when we're talking about tires that'll last me for years and there's only a couple hundred bucks difference (maybe no difference depending on the mileage I'll get out of them), I'm gonna opt for something new.
  12. kb4ns

    Bacon Tree

  13. Quite possibly the saddest thing I've read in a long time. Actually teared up a bit...
  14. You'll get a summons within 30 days...
  15. Does she have to report on 08/13? If so, tell her to save me a seat... I'll tell him "hi" for you.
  16. It appears not. TCA 22-2-301(a) The jury coordinator in each county shall select names of prospective jurors to serve in the courts of that county by random automated means, without opportunity for the intervention of any human agency to select a particular name and in a manner that causes no prejudice to any person. The names, which shall constitute the jury list, shall be compiled from licensed driver records or lists, tax records or other available and reliable sources that are so tabulated and arranged that names can be selected by automated means. The jury coordinator may utilize a single source or any combination of sources. The jury coordinator is prohibited from using the permanent voter registration records as a source to compile the jury list.
  17. Can't blame you there. Folks are gonna complain regardless. It helps when there is an understanding as to why the rules exist, and I am glad you came on the forum here to do so. I've told folks in other threads to be happy about what they have. Unless you pay (a big chunk of change) to join one of the very limited number of private shooting clubs in the area here or know someone who owns a bunch of land, you don't have anywhere that you can shoot a rifle.
  18. I kinda responded to this in the bacon thread. The url for the youtube page is all you need to post the video. Click the icon and enter (paste) the url. Works like a charm for me.
  19. Just enter the url for the youtube page into the box that pops up when you click on the icon. I haven't had any problems.
  20. Also applies to the fat ones...
  21. There is a difference in how they are made and how they must be loaded (load them similar to lead, maybe a bit stronger, but still less than FMJ). But if you're just wanting to plink or punch holes in paper, they're great! They're almost as cheap as lead bullets, but you don't have to deal with the fouling and other negatives associated with lead. I've gone through quite a bit of the Berry's bullets with nothing but great results.
  22. Welcome to TGO!


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