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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. So does she, apparently...
  2. I guess that didn't end up going anywhere... Well, I figured at the price of a 91/30, I can't go wrong. I ordered a hex receiver 91/30 yesterday. Let the wait for the big brown truck begin... Depending on how well it does, I might buy a regular ole round receiver model and give it my best shot at "sporterization". Normally, I'd be 110% against "sporterizing" an old military gun, but there were something like 17 MILLION 91/30's made - hence the $69 price tag. Plus, I've seen some good looking sporterized 91/30's...
  3. Touché.
  4. +1. I'll keep my ears open. Best of luck!
  5. kb4ns

    Well this Sucks!

    No, I believe he was saying "hand me that, tool."
  6. Do they all have the female threads on the bottom (like a camera) for the tripod?
  7. Addicting ain't it?
  8. That's why most gun ranges that rent guns require you to only shoot their ammo. At least I know that RangeUSA's rules. Not sure about the others. I've never seen them stand over anyone and watch what ammo they put in the gun, but it wouldn't be hard to tell if it was their ammo or not after the gun blew up.
  9. Actually, the last thing I want to dip into water is a plugged-in toaster. The guns are a close second...
  10. Well, when everything's "powered up", it's not a bad idea to leave it running if you're going to be away from the car for over half an hour. Otherwise, you'll come back to a dead car battery. I usually shut everything down when I eat lunch (camera system, radios, etc.). The down side is that if something happens and I gotta haul balls away, it'll take me a minute. Sometimes a minute can really matter. Also, the K9 units always leave theirs running for the climate control for the dog (obviously). Smart*ss
  11. Wow. That's some serious tin-foil hat stuff right there!
  12. Ok, well I guess I'll get an appliance repair guy to come out instead of buying a new unit. 6.8, I really appreciate all the detailed advice, but gas & electricity are two things I don't like messing with!
  13. I do when I remember. Of course, I accidentally left it running for about 4 hours one evening because I forgot about it... Whoops - but at least it started the next day.
  14. Well, I talked to a buddy who does HVAC and knows a lot more than me about these things. He's way too busy this time of year to even think about coming over to look at it (he's pretty much working 14 hour days in this 100+ heat). He gave me an idea of what to expect repair-wise ($200 to $250). That got me to looking at new ranges. It seems a basic gas range runs less than $300 at the major stores. That's all we need to get us through for a few years until we sell the house and it really isn't any different (features-wise) than the one we have now. Now off to google to see if I can install a new gas range without blowing myself up! Thanks for the input, guys.
  15. Probably not bad advice at all...
  16. Found this on one of those links that seems to address my issue- That's pretty much in line with what the utility company guy said. So that brings me back to the original question. Is there any way this could have been caused by the utility company? I don't mind paying to fix my own problems, but I pay the utility company a lot of money and if this is their fault, I want to make sure they get to pay for it.
  17. It's a Kenmore. I've looked but can't find a model number. I took a (lopsided) picture if it helps...
  18. Nobody? My wife wants me to hurry up and get it fixed, but I'd really like some input. Hate to pay a repair man out of my own pocket if it isn't something that was in some way caused by the utility company.
  19. Well I think I'm going to have to pick up another 91/30. I had an M44 & a 91/30 for a while, but sold them when I needed cash. Seeing as how the 91/30's are still cheap, I might have to pick another one up. If memory serves correctly, the 91/30 did so well with iron sights, I can get by with those 'til I decide to get a more expensive gun.
  20. I'm gonna laugh my ass off on 12/22/2012 when all those idiots realize they still have to rush out and buy Christmas presents...
  21. I thought so at first, too. Read the entire letter, though. The case law they point out with their fancy-schmancy latin terminology lead me to believe the Wiki counsel has his ducks in a row and the FBI doesn't. They better watch out how they interpret stuff - they don't want to end up with the same reputation as the ATF...
  22. So does anyone hunt with a Mosin? I'm looking at getting into hunting (if someone will teach me the ropes!) and looking to do it at a low price for now, getting a better rifle as time goes on and funds become available. With the 7.62x54R round falling (ballistically) between the .308 and the .30-06 and the nice relatively flat trajectory, it has to be a decent hunting round, right?
  23. kb4ns

    Well this Sucks!

    And for all the dumbarses in Memfuss, this sound advice applies to your children as well!
  24. THAT sounds like a plan!
  25. kb4ns

    Well this Sucks!

    I think you need to make your disclaimer a bit bigger.


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