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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    New H&K P30

    You shot her yet? The gun, I mean... Looks good.
  2. That's when you go on and on about that "fancy can of silver spray paint" that only cost you $3...
  3. kb4ns

    Well this Sucks!

    Is that enough to counter all of your hot air?
  4. It's been postponed. It's too hot up in them mountains...
  5. Well, you are "special"...
  6. Dang. Beat me to it...
  7. Should we organize a search party?
  8. This alone is worth the cost of the C&R many times over!
  9. As long as I could get my home schedule straight, I'd definitely be game. Plus, wd-40 wouldn't have to worry about revealing his good hunting locations. We'd be too far away to return to hunt later!
  10. Welcome to TGO!
  11. That is too cool!
  12. What's a good ballpark guess on the cost to get in on a land lease? I understand this is probably a pretty broad question depending on multiple factors, but can you give me any idea?
  13. Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong!
  14. Sorry I can't help you. If you figure out somewhere, please let me know!
  15. Hopefully you'll have better luck in E. Tenn than I have on the west end so far. I've been looking for someone to teach me, but as of yet, it's been a no-go.
  16. Someone brought this up in another thread recently. Short of knowing someone with a bunch of land somewhere, you're going to be limited to MSSA or Desoto Pistol & Rifle Club.
  17. Getting it removed from your mouth? Been there, done that. Seriously, good luck on the foot surgery. Hopefully, when you're done you'll have a very firm understanding...
  18. +1 Funny, even if staged.
  19. All these years and apparently my wife has been refusing to have finely shredded cheddar on her chili? Maybe I should explain to her what I meant...
  20. You were right on the money, Rightwinger. The ignitor was glowing and hot, but apparently not hot enough to trip the valve. Got a good appliance guy to come out today and it was fixed for $125 plus tax (parts AND labor). Not bad considering when I looked on Sears' website, I think the ignitor alone for my model was about $80 (retail price, of course). If anyone in the Memphis area needs an appliance repair, I can't recommend Chris Appliance Co (901-262-9141) enough!
  21. Welcome!
  22. Personally, I've had a few problems with Remington UMC (not the rest of their products - just "UMC") not being loaded consistently. I've noticed it in the 9mm, 45acp, and 223. Out of each box of ammo, I'll find that a few are underloaded and a couple seem quite overloaded. That's been a few years back, and I haven't bought any UMC ammo since, so I don't know if the issue has been resolved or not. When it comes to other Remington ammo styles, I've not seen any issues. I don't know anything about US Cartridge Co. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will come along soon and help you out.


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