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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Dang it, I'm on my way to Krystal now. The wife walked by, saying she was hungry, as I scrolled past your picture...
  2. Oh, "knock-offs". I thought at first you meant your first pair were "knocked off". By a little girl. With cotton candy. Who could easily take any man in Crocs...
  3. And she is correct, sir.
  4. Been a member of that FB group for years - ever since the first time my wife came home with a pair.
  5. Welcome to TGO!
  6. Welcome!
  7. Yep. I tried to give T-Mobile a chance. I really really did.
  8. Whatever it takes to get the job done...
  9. For full time or reserve?
  10. Advertising the jailbreak as making your phone compatible with T-Mobile's network is hardly a temptation. The only major carrier with a network crappier than AT&T is... T-Mobile.
  11. kb4ns

    I love this video

    That's what she said... (sorry, couldn't stop myself)
  12. Ahhh. Found this graph earlier and didn't understand until now...
  13. That's it!!!
  14. Yes sir, we do.
  15. I decided to mix things up a bit tonight...
  16. I'm tellin' you now - better get under that daggum chair!!!
  17. You might find this of interest. http://tennessee.gov/attorneygeneral/op/2005/op/op29.pdf Most reserve / part-time LE qualifies without a doubt for LEOSA. I didn't realize it was a gray area for them.
  18. That explains why we've made it into four pages worth of a thread without hearing Mike say "I'd hit it"...
  19. I figured it was "HOPA" for HOT PIECE OF ASS" The signs threw me too.
  20. You better get your ass under that chair! Ketchup on a burger? Blasphemy!
  21. I enjoy many flavors, but there are three you're most likely to find in the fridge at any given point- And
  22. +1 WTF is wrong with people like this???
  23. Yep


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