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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Keep seeing threads that have to do with folks being "drawn for hunts". What exactly does this mean? Are there places that only so many people can hunt or what? I've skimmed through the TWRA hunting rule book, but don't recall seeing anything about this.
  2. As long as they're regular ole t-shirts, he should be able to ship one first class for under $4. I also understand a dollar or two to cover packing supplies, etc.
  3. Both of those sound like good options. You can ship a whole lotta t-shirts for $15. Maybe someone needs to drop a bug in the ears of Hero Gear about the number of orders they're probably losing due to this issue.
  4. I'm looking for a decent entry-level deer rifle (under $400 out the door). Been looking at the Remington 770 and the Mossberg 100 ATR. Anyone have a recommendation of one of them over the other? Or care to recommend another rifle in the same price range?
  5. HERO GEAR ZOMBIE SHIRT I would like one too, but the effin' shipping is showing up as 31 cents more than the shirt itself! I've started to order from Hero-Gear many times, only to stop dead in my tracks when seeing the shipping costs. It's a shame. I've heard so much good about HG. Wish they could get that one issue taken care of. Maybe I can get by there one of these days. It's only 5 short hours away...
  6. No, you're not alone. I heard that there's another satisfied customer in southern Georgia.
  7. kb4ns

    Big Brother

    Dude, you should. I hear that is a prime Croc advertising venue. Gotta keep up with the latest Croc-a-trends...
  8. FTFY
  9. Easy killer....
  10. Dude! There are better ways to drum up business!! Seriously, glad you're alright!
  11. I like it. Might have to become my wallpaper for a day or two...
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_8szPYvr4g&feature=youtube_gdata
  13. Dude! You don't see him???? Sneak attacking? He's about to take the whole thing!
  14. Awesome Phil. Did I mention he offered me every gun in the store for a dollar? See ya tomorrow!
  15. kb4ns

    Big Brother

    Never been married before, have ya?
  16. Nevermind.
  17. kb4ns

    Big Brother

  18. So... you can PM me her number, right?
  19. He's alive! Cheers!!
  20. You gotta love a little cosmic justice.
  21. I can't say for certain in your particular situation (I'd guess the heavier load), but I can offer one suggestion. Mark the primers with a sharpie so you know what they are when you shoot them as well as after they've been fired. For example, you could put an "X" on the 4.6gr loads and put three dots on the 6.0gr loads. When you're done, if you notice something strange, you can look at the primer and tell which load it was.
  22. On an unrelated note - Heinz makes the best ketchup. Period. Please - nobody start another thread about this. The closest Krystal to Perkins/Park is the one on Getwell south of Park. So I strapped on my big ugly concealed counterpart and headed west. When I got there... WTF!!! They closed it down. The next closest locations would be Summer & Berclair or Poplar (the one DB was talking about). If I'm going to drive that far for Krystal, I might as well head to Nashville for some White Castle! So Taco Bell it was for lunch...


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