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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. They get their money's worth for the insurance, though. Six months of academy two or three nights a week and all day Saturday...
  2. Sure do! A whole dollar a year at all of the departments in Shelby County. The only reason they do that is so you're considered an "employee" and can get health insurance benefits. Many reserves are self-employed and at least partially in it for the insurance (some are only in it for the insurance). Most smaller departments in surrounding counties don't offer the insurance benefits.
  3. Most (if not all) of ours are under $105. Most of Memphis PD's are under $60.
  4. Appreciate the input. I've yet to actually gut a deer, but from the youtube videos I've been watching, it looks like it doesn't take any super fancy knife. I might try to find one that has the gut hook. Thanks guys.
  5. I debated on whether to place this here or the knife section of the forum, but figured I'd put it here. Need recommendations for a good, affordable knife to use for deer guttin'. Key word is "affordable", as I'm a new hunter and having to spend a lot of money on a lot of stuff.
  6. Where did it take you? I bet you were disappointed when it wasn't Dollywood...
  7. Welcome!
  8. Wow. Heck of a deal. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Well if those are crappy pictures, I'm afraid of how much drool I might get on your gun if I saw it in real life. Did you ever find somewhere to shoot it? I know Sportman's Choice in Brighton allows rifles up to 3600 FPS, but I dunno about BP. You might call and check with them.
  10. I wasn't around this time last year, but I read the first post or two in the old thread (way too long to try to read it all). I'm definitely in. Life is way too good to me to not help others out whenever possible!
  11. Wouldn't this copyright notice image be considered part of the "all... images..." protected by copyright? Kidding, of course.
  12. If it helps you to feel better, there are cameras in the range and I'm fairly sure there are monitors in the TWRA officer's office.
  13. I generally tend to avoid Walmart for vehicle service. I was checking out in a local Walmart about 4 or 5 years ago and heard the following conversation between the young man checking me out and the manager: Manager: "Hey, when you finish checking these folks out, I need you to run back there to automotive. There's a customer that needs new tires put on their car and [forget the emplyee's name] called in sick." Cashier: "I don't know how to put tires on a car. I can barely check my own car's oil level." Manager: "It'll be okay. You'll figure it out."
  14. kb4ns


    Welcome to TGO, Brad!
  15. Wow. I knew the 770s were cheap, but that's not what I expected from Remington. really happy I went with a better rifle.
  16. Dang. Big ole difference between 180gr & 200gr! Glad I picked up 180gr.
  17. I used to have a synthetic 111 in .30-06 many years ago. As long as the 300 isn't too much worse, I'll get over it.
  18. And you didn't snap a photo?? Ugh...
  19. Great help in this thread. I ended up trading a Glock for a Savage 111 in 300 Win Mag. Heck of a stout round. The gun seems quite smooth and I think that with the right (heavy) ammo, it'll make a good deer gun. Thanks again for all the input.
  20. Same here. Great knife. Excellent value.
  21. All of the departments with reserves have plenty of reserves with no intentions of going full time. In Bartlett, there are about 14 or 16 reserve officers. To my knowledge, only one wants to go full time. The rest are quite content with reserve work (probably because their full time job pays better!). Since I was hired in Bartlett, we've probably hired 25 or so officers. Only one was from the reserve division.
  22. It's your basic 25 yard indoor range. Hard to go wrong. You just have to look closely at the schedule and go when it's open. I don't know how the staff is. I've shot there many times, but never with TWRA staff. My department shares that range with TWRA (it was our land, their building - so we share it).
  23. kb4ns


    Welcome to TGO! Good luck on your range quest.
  24. Welcome!


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