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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. We can go eff it up together! You done your hunter ed yet? Ouch. Nice looking knives, but the first couple I clicked on were over $100. Think I'll pass!
  2. Welcome to TGO!
  3. Yep. Sign up for their emails and you'll get notice on their weekend sales. They often run weekend sales where they'll ship your entire order (no matter what you buy) for only $5.
  4. Don't forget the good prices and options on shipping itself. Nothing worse than finding a good deal somewhere on a tiny part that weighs 1/10th of an ounce and the company will only ship it UPS for $13! Midway is THE when it comes to shipping!
  5. This sums up my experiences with them /feelings towards them exactly.
  6. Dang! I had no idea big racks would fetch that kinda cash!
  7. Yep, just saw that email. They also have new (lacquer coated - not polymer ) Russian stuff for under $4 / box.
  8. Forgot to mention that yes, I do know a real good plumber. I'll PM his info to you.
  9. +1!!!!! I'm not real mechanical either (actually, I'm fairly lazy), but I replaced mine. A disposal is a very easy replacement.
  10. Are you a reserve in real life, or does Ricky have you on some kind of fantasy program?
  11. Welcome to TGO!
  12. +1!
  13. Welcome to TGO. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the forum rules. The administrator here is a stickler for the rules...
  14. If you can't get there soon, there's a "virtual tour" at their website (jackdaniels.com). Not even close to a real tour, but neat none the less.
  15. kb4ns

    Diesel generators

    I can't help you with any info on diesel units, but I can definitely say you've got the right idea. The wife and I have had a window unit in the bedroom for years (can't sleep unless it's freezing cold). Last summer, something happened and the power was out for a few days (don't recall what the event was). My gas generator ran the fridge, the bedroom TV, the laptop, and the window AC unit. It was that point that I realized what a great investment a generator was!
  16. Welcome!
  17. ^^^We don't all remember 23...
  18. Speaking of that part, look at the video below. Did I miss something or is this guy doing it a different way without cracking the pelvic bone?
  19. Welcome!
  20. Welcome to TGO!
  21. Congrats on the new Glock. I've owned about a dozen or so different Glocks and they all had one thing in common - they were 110% reliable out of the box. I've had some other nice guns, but not to the same level of reliability.
  22. I don't think most of them have the ability to spell "graduate"...


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