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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. DUDE!!!! I hit that %^&*#^@ curb at least once a week!! I like sitting in that parking lot and watching traffic since the business is closed. It's the most jacked up place for a curb. At least I can tell you that a crown vic will take the pain time and time again!
  2. You can call and ask. (901) 678-4357 When I was there, we would only do this for off-duty officers who attended classes. Things may have changed (it's been about 4 years since I left). I know that they did for off-duty officers with a recent AG opinion that said he believed they could carry on campus.
  3. Found these t-shirts (all under $10 each) through woot. Tshirtbordello.com - Woot Offer Super Friends With Benefits T-Shirt - Woot Offer Super Friends With Benefits T-Shirt
  4. I'll bite. THEY'RE DIRTY!!
  5. You may find your experience here at TGO a bit more enjoyable if you re-ignore me.
  6. There is an apprentice license (good for one year only) for any hunter who has yet to take the hunter ed class, but yes, an out of state hunter ed class will work just fine.
  7. Wow, can't believe I missed this thread until now. Like others have said, just keep it in your car and stick to the city streets and you'll be ok. At U of M, with a little common sense, you could glance at a street and tell if it was owned and maintained by the school or not. All of the little streets that ran through campus were owned and maintained by the school.
  8. Think he meant Reagan.
  9. I'm "some people".
  10. Well cool. Now we know the sender will not be notified that they are ignored. And thanks Lester. I didn't even think about that.
  11. Just sent one. It looks like it went through on my end.
  12. Am I ignored yet? I'll go ahead and send a message if so.
  13. I dunno. I was kinda curious too. Wanna try it? Ignore me and I'll try to send you a message.
  14. kb4ns

    This arrow!

    Ooooh. I love a good conspiracy!
  15. Request a temporary / replacement hunter education or boater education card (Mississippi)- Tell us who you are Hopefully it'll work. I did the boater ed thru Mississippi a while back. Didn't need TN as I was older than the cutoff, but needed it to boat in MS. When I tried to enter my info on the above link, it said they couldn't find me and gave me a phone number to contact them. Hopefully they'll find yours!
  16. All is fine as long as you carry a good BUG and a decent BUBUG. It's not that bad, though. I don't feel the need to carry a BUBUBUG...
  17. kb4ns

    This arrow!

    Am I the only one who thinks a post got moved somewhere or another every time I see this daggum arrow at the beginning of a post?
  18. And they're polymer coated! Most (if not all) of the Tula ammo I've seen up until now has been lacquer coated.
  19. kb4ns

    Boy Scouts

    I'm sure they'd love it! It's been quite some years since I was a scout, but if I remember correctly, I think we had some donated equipment.
  20. What he said. I used to be a U of M Police officer before I headed to the 'burbs. If you're from a nice little quiet town with little crime, you may feel like it's a "high crime" area, but if you're from a big city, it's just another area to you. Auto burglaries are off the chart - don't leave anything valuable in your car. If you want to leave your gun in your car, invest in a good car-style safe. Violent crimes, however, aren't that high. There are more cops per square mile in the U of M area than anywhere else in the county, with the possible exception of Beale Street on weekend evenings. Don't know too many particulars about the School of Nursing or the concealed carry group.
  21. Reckon I'd have to, huh?
  22. I believe mine would say "The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this: You're attending your gay siamese twin's funeral..." I'm no homophobe or anything, but you gotta draw the line somewhere, right?
  23. More specifically, it says "an open question" when he was asked if the department could prohibit the reserve officers form carrying off-duty. From the opinion itself- (emphasis on "not" is mine) The reserves that work for my department carry under the LEOSA with no gray area whatsoever as the department doesn't try to preclude them in any way.


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