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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Welcome to TGO!
  2. I've often thought about doing that. You could make some good money!
  3. Same here. I used to collect license plates when I was younger. One of the best ones I had (and still have) was a standard issue (not personalized) plate. This plate style followed the 1-A1A11 format.
  4. I'll be 4 in March. Is it THAT old??
  5. Hope this isn't a repost. A search didn't turn up anything. I'd never seen this video before. It's great!
  6. That's a hospital for you! Glad you're on the upswing. Best of luck with everything!
  7. About as good as the police answering machine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y8xWvluHAE&feature=related
  8. Welcome!
  9. Welcome!
  10. And nothing else?? I love the winter and the cold. I absolutely despise summer time heat. I always have, but the black uniform and body armor really make me hate summer. There's rarely a day that I don't find myself nauseous at work from the heat in the summer. If I could talk the wife into it, I'd probably try to move to Wyoming - or maybe even Alaska.
  11. That's not a bad idea - if I go through with it. I'm not in as big a hurry since I picked up a "real" huntin' rifle.
  12. This comes up all the time. Pretty much limited to MSSA in Shelby County. The first-year cost is insane to join - I think it was over $600 last time I looked - and completely not worth it in my opinion (others will disagree). There is the Desoto Pistol & Rifle Club in MS (little more of a haul, but great folks and decent joining fees). You can shoot anything under 3600 fps at Sportsman's Choice in Brighton, but it's an indoor range and (I think) only 25 yards. 'Bout all I know of since they shut down the range at Shelby Farms.
  13. 92.39 9 mile avg error 202 sec
  14. kb4ns

    Drive Safely

    From what I hear, they've been showing videos like that in drivers ed classes here for some time. They need to bring the kids with us to the scene of a fatal crash so they can get that sickening feeling when the cell phone in the floorboard starts ringing and the caller ID says "Mom". Or better yet, they can come with us to notify the family. Experience that just once and I guarantee their "situational awareness" will change. :-\
  15. BTW, db- "Douchetard" is not a new word...
  16. As long as you're not loading any really hot rounds, I wouldn't worry too much about .005" variations. I'd set it a hair on the long side, though. Remember that in reloading recipes, the OAL is usually a minimum OAL.
  17. I've never bought any, but it looks like Russian ammo, comparable to Wolf and Tula.
  18. What?? Been a bit busy lately and log back on this morning to see that I'm losing?
  20. There's two of you????
  21. This was really confusing to me when I first saw it. I was using the tapatalk on my phone and everything showed up just fine. I was wondering "Here we go with what??". When I got back on the PC and saw the white font, it all came together...
  22. Welcome to TGO!


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