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Everything posted by kb4ns
Absolutely will do! I think the boys down my way are going to be more than covered now! Anyone else wanting to help might want to get with wareagle as he is in contact with more needy boys. I had the pleasure of attending a party for the son of my wife's friend tonight. The party was celebrating him earning his Eagle Scout! The young man is finishing up high school, preparing to enter the US Coast Guard, and on his way to becoming a valuable adult member of society. Another one of those kids that makes me kick myself for not going past "star", but I'm extremely happy for him!
That sucks tnxd. That's why I wish Tennessee had "no pay, no play" laws like some other states do. The "no pay, no play" laws disallow uninsured motorists to recover losses from another person or that other person's insurance company. I don't know a lot about the way those laws work, so there are probably some exceptions to the rule. I'd love to see Tennessee adopt some similar laws and maybe even take it a step further. I don't think that someone should be allowed to collect on losses if they shouldn't have been on the road in the first place (i.e.- no driver's license, suspended driver's license, etc.).
This is my fat cat Gabby (also known as "Jabba The Cat")... This is my daughter's spoiled rotten teacup rat terrier, Freckles...
Holy poop! I didn't know that.
Parrothead, PM enroute. If GGP and TNScooter find theirs, we may end up with more packs than boys, but if we do, I'll make sure any extras are donated to their troop for any other boys that may need them. EDIT: I tried to PM ya Parrothead, but it says you're full...
TNScooter & GGP, PMs sent. My mom said her fingers are gonna hurt tomorrow from all the sewing. They have an event tomorrow, some sort of popcorn sale / fundraiser, so she's sewing like a mad woman so that they're ready to participate. It should put a smile on y'all's faces to know that she said she about had to whoop 'em to get them to take the shirts off so she could sew the patches on!
It's a shame we can't trade him for one of the minds behind Survivor, Big Brother, The Bachelor, etc...
Will do. We're actually coming up better, not short! My dad and my schedule didn't quite hash today, so I met up with him to hand over the mastercard linked to my PayPal account. That way he could go ahead and get the uniform shirts and patches and my mother could get a head start sewing this weekend. Apparently the staff there was more than informative and showed him what would be the "bare necessities" for the boys and what isn't really needed (like pants, etc.). He managed to get what they needed for just a bit over $120. Now, I should be able to cover any other little incidentals that come up in the near future. I'm not sure what all they're going to need. If it were boy scouts, I'd have a better idea, but I don't readily recall what all they do in cub scouts. As to the other offers for assistance, if anything else overwhelming pops up, I'll be sure to let you guys know! Hopefully this'll be it for a while. I should be able to lend most any camping gear they might need if the cubs go camping. Thanks again guys! I can't tell you how much my folks and I appreciate it!
Welcome from a little down the road in Memfus...
One other question for any of you guys with kids or grandkids in cub scouts - Is it ok if they wear the short sleeve uniform shirt with a long sleeve navy blue undershirt in the winter? IIRC, it was okay when I was in, but I know things change. Thanks.
You aren't kiddin' Bronk! My folks said that when they went by the scout shop to price uniforms, they went ahead and got the boys their books so they could get started, so they're covered there. With the cash I came up with and the money sent to my PayPal account from the anonymous member, I'm going to go with my father to get their uniform stuff when I get home from work. That should more than cover the shirts, patches, neckerchiefs, slides, and caps. Bronker, I'll let your check go for their initiation dues. It oughta be here by their meeting next week. Thanks again y'all! I'll keep you guys updated!
The other uniform fee has been covered by a TGOer who wished to remain in the shadows! You guys totally rock! Thank you all SO much. You have no idea what a burden you have lifted from my parents! Now to get them boys outfitted and get some pictures posted up on here!!
Whoops, Bronk. I posted before seeing your request that it go for initiation fees. Then I'll try to cover one of the uniforms!
Thanks GGP! I think I'm going to be able to help them by covering the initiation dues. My mother is beside herself right now. Of course, I had to explain what a forum was before I could explain how awesome you guys are!
Holy crap, Bronk! Not what I was expecting, but it is VERY much appreciated! Also, to fix an error in my OP, I've been on the phone with my mom and I was mistaken, the initiation is $100 total, not each, but still a good chunk.
My parents, who pretty much raise my two nephews (ages 6 and 8), are getting them into scouts. I think it's a great thing for the boys as both my sister and her estranged husband are completely worthless to say the least. My parent's ain't "well-off" by any means and are having a fun enough time coming up with the $100 total initiation fee for both boys. My parents asked the troop staff if the troop had a supply of used uniforms that other boys grew out of and were told that they don't (which I thought was odd - seems like I remember that being a common thing way back when I was a scout). Anyways, they're looking at about $100 for each boy in uniforms, too, if they buy the stuff new at the Scout Shop here in Memphis. I've looked at eBay, but from what I've seen, most of the uniforms on there are going for about the same price as new ones. :-\ I'm trying to help them get the boys started out as much as I can, but lately I've found myself selling off half of what I own to keep my household afloat. So does anyone happen to know of a place around Memphis or a website that sells used or discounted scout uniforms? Also, if you have a stash, PM me and I'd be more than happy to give you a fair price and pay shipping if you have what the boys need.
Yep. Lucky for you, Glock23forme has to buy the next 28 times due to his previous comments about his own post count, but you gotta buy at the Jan 2013 meeting!