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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I'll hit up Walmart occasionally for plinking rounds (Federal 9mm, 40, etc.), but for the most part I buy online!
  2. Welcome!
  3. Yep. He's been wanting to give the county to the city for a LONG time now. Regardless of what he's actually said.
  4. I guess AT&T Uverse isn't an option where you live?
  5. Welcome, Don!
  6. I appreciate it guys. Kinda what I figured. I think I'll sit on 'em for a while. The US ones are all in "American Heirloom Collection" binders and they take up a good bit of space, but I'll find somewhere in the house to keep them for the time being.
  7. My two main sources, Precision Delta and Missouri Bullet Co, have already been mentioned. Occasionally, if I find a good deal, I'll order some of the Berry's plated bullets from Grafs or whoever else might have 'em on sale.
  8. Enlisted rank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. I'm hoping that there are some members on here that also enjoy stamp collecting. My wife and I recently inherited a good size stamp collection. Most are post-1930 US stamps, although there are a good number of German and Italian stamps (including a lot of WWII era ones). What should I do with them? Neither the wife nor I have any interest in stamp collecting. Are they likely to increase in value substantially if I hold onto them? Should I sell them? If I sell them, how should I do it? One at a time, in groups, the entire collection? And where should I sell them? eBay, local collector, another website, or somewhere else? I understand this question is likely much more complex than I'd like it to be, but any advice is greatly appreciated!
  10. Man, if you're reasons are right, I say go for it! I tried a couple of years ago to get in the unit here in Memphis after getting my civilian career stabilized, but they wouldn't let me slide with my blood pressure problems. I regret not going in right after high school before the medical issues crept in. Best of luck with it if you decide to do it!
  11. You'll have to check and make sure it hasn't changed, but one thing I remember liking about MO's laws was that if you carried past a "posting" and were otherwise legal (i.e. - had a HCP), it was not a criminal act and all they can do is ask you to leave the property. Of course, if you don't leave you have new problems. I wish we could get some laws like that here!
  12. Not to mention the unavoidable spread of disease / illness when the deer populations are too high and the lack of resources the deer themselves face when their numbers are above the carrying capacity of the land.
  13. Yep. It's not the handcuffs that make me hate locking folks up. It's the report, the affidavit, trying to get the affidavit signed, etc...
  14. You know, I got the announcement email earlier today from Ruger, and you were the first person that came to mind, Sgt. Joe.
  15. Welcome!
  16. No kidding. I've found that the best approach is usually not asking a single thing. Tell 'em what they're under arrest for, sit them in the back seat and just let them sit there while I start my paperwork. It confuses the hell out of them and they just talk and talk and talk... Of course, if you find yourself in the back of my car, you've done something REALLY wrong. I hate locking folks up.
  17. Ironically, doesn't body armor tend to stop HP ammo easier than FMJ ammo? Seems you'd prefer the bad guy to have HP ammo if you're wearing your vest. Of course, anywhere outside of the vest, will it really matter? A HP to my head will ruin my day about as much as an FMJ would, I reckon. And I'm with you, I hate watching misinformation on TV. Of course, I enjoy some of the misinformation that I see. Like when the guy in the back seat of the squad car starts running his mouth about how his charge will be dropped because they never read him his rights. I'd pay big bucks to see his face when his defense attorney explains when the miranda rights have to be read and when they don't.
  18. There's nothing more retarded than watching someone get arrested and have to post a $350 bond when they could have paid a tiny fine for a seat belt ticket that wouldn't have even appeared on their record. But some folks just refuse to take care of their stuff...
  19. Yes sir. Your bond will be $350.
  20. Welcome to TGO!
  21. Welcome to TGO!
  22. This kinda thing happens to hundreds of people daily. When you get a citation for a minor charge, you get a court date and, in some cases, a forfeiture amount you can pay in lieu of coming to court. When the court date comes and you haven't paid the forfeiture (if there is one), you're expected to be in court. If you're not there, it's likely a bench warrant will be issued (at least that's how it works in most jurisdictions). Whether it bit him in the butt the next day or 20 years later, why is it news when the same thing happens to so many people who fail to satisfy their obligations?
  23. Why is this news?
  24. Would that be because his client is GUILTY? I just don't think I could be a defense attorney. At least, not one who knowingly tries his best to prove a guilty client innocent. I could do my darndest to defend an innocent man, but when you've seen your client on tape confessing and giving every detail of the crime he commited, how in the hell do you sleep at night after lying and twisting stuff in an attempt to try to acquit him? I just don't understand. And to the jurors, good job!


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