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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Welcome to the forum!
  2. kb4ns

    9mm AR question

    Ok, that's what I was thinking. Thanks.
  3. kb4ns

    9mm AR question

    You mean if you were using a 223 lower, right? You wouldn't need to do that if both upper and lower were made for 9mm, just different brands?
  4. kb4ns

    Dear Diary

    So true.
  5. kb4ns

    9mm AR question

    If only it was 16"... :-\
  6. Are different brands of 9mm AR's pretty much interchangeable like their 5.56 cousins? For example, will a RRA 9mm upper function with a Spike's 9mm lower or do different manufacturers do things totally different?
  7. Ouch! $100 per thousand?
  8. The one in the Hacks Cross / Winchester area here in Memphis had a clerk that treated me pretty well one evening. Of course, when I saw their ammo prices, the love affair was over...
  9. Welcome to TGO!
  10. TWRA LE Division 615-781-6580
  11. You know what I do when I don't know what I'm talking about? I try not to offer advice. Wish all $7/hr salesmen who weren't knowledgable were the same way.
  12. Yeah, 135 pounds before melting. I was quite surprised the first time I scored a 5 gallon bucket of wheel weights and tried to pick it up.
  13. Jamie is dead on. Things work different in different systems. The way they're done in Shelby Co is completely different than Fayette Co, which is different than the way they're done in Madison Co, etc. Find someone familiar with the area, and preferably the case itself. And it's "parole".
  14. Oh yeah, that salesman was right. I've got some Golden Sabres and they barely make it out of the end of the barrel... /sarcasm
  15. I feel ya. My squad car has some new scratches on the hood from God-knows-what flying through the air and hitting the hood and windshield as I drove down Walnut Grove before the sun came up this morning.
  16. Exactly. I don't deny stepping on the line. I was just taken aback at the way it was handled. It was so out of line, I thought the guy was joking at first. Nobody's momma raised them to act the way he did in public. I know that if I treated folks that way at work, my days would be numbered, and rightfully so. I'm sure there have been some situations that have required that with others in the past, but is there no sort of continuum? We jump straight to screaming at people we don't know from Adam? And Capbyrd, I hope there are some changes coming. Until there are, there's not a chance of me joining. To add another funny story- The city pays for our officers who carry patrol rifles to use MSSA's range for their long distance qualifications since our range isn't long enough. One of them was headed out there one day in his personal vehicle since he was off when the qualification was scheduled. One of the RO's (met the description of the one I ran into) had one of the cheap sports radar guns (like the ones that you use in baseball) and proceeded to jump his butt about going 3 (yes THREE) mph over the posted speed limit on the MSSA driveway. He was informed of which orifice he could place his handy dandy radar gun in, and I believe the officer actually offered to help him put it there. I don't know who the RO is (my wife's step dad might know his name), but I think it's time for him to go...
  17. Welcome to the forum!
  18. Welcome to TGO!
  19. kb4ns


    Roughly 800 miles on my pickup in the last two years, but about 28k on the "company vehicle" since it was new 2 years ago.
  20. Welcome to TGO!
  21. Great video!
  22. I got to looking around in my saved emails. It was actually 12/17/09 that I bought it. So over 10 months before Microsoft "noticed" and let me know. There really should be some kind of better safeguard built in... like, I dunno, telling me when I enter the frickin' product key the first time! Replied! Will do. Thanks. And Lester, I may end up doing that soon enough. I cringe already just thinking about dealing with that lovely rep on the other end of the phone.
  23. It's real. Hell yeah, I'll do the right thing. I'll go to Linux.


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