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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns


    Exactly. It's gamblin'.
  2. Hell, I have myself on my ignore list.
  3. kb4ns


    I bought a good bit of it years ago at about $6/troy ounce. Sold it all when it hit $12 thinking it probably wouldn't go much higher. I guess doubling your money isn't "bad", but I could have done much better with a little patience.
  4. You know that pics are mandatory when you get it back, right?
  5. kb4ns


    Well said.
  6. $2300?!?! Sig has gone crazy. That's like $200 more than the rest of their guns...
  7. This.
  8. Sounds like you're making progress!
  9. kb4ns

    Fake Rolex

    Present company excluded from the broad stroke of the paintbrush, of course! I've heard that there are a lot of really good quality replicas out there. Why not put all that effort into making a different brand of quality watches? If they can make a product that works as well (or almost as well) at a fraction of the cost, it seems there would be a market. I never underestimate the ingenuity of criminals.
  10. I believe you could have one or the other, but if you had both, it wouldn't end well for ya!
  11. I've been experiencing this with XP and Chrome. However, if I click "edit post" again, it'll go ahead and go to the edit page. Not a big deal.
  12. I don't fill mine out. I'm with Mike - the original receipt oughtta be enough.
  13. +1
  14. Welcome!
  15. That's true, but the quote is still spot on!
  16. kb4ns

    Fake Rolex

    Does it matter? If I see what appears to be a Rolex, I know the person is a moron - either for spending that much on a watch, or for wanting to look like they spent that much on a watch.
  17. Yep, you've done some real nice mounts, wd!
  18. When I was still in patrol and had to take auto burglary reports, it amazed me how many reports I took where cars with unlocked doors still had a window broken by the thieves. I guess some of them get into a routine and don't even check the doors. I did, however, take plenty of reports where windows were not broken. So, all in all, I agree with your advice. If you have nothing worth stealing in the car, you don't really have much to lose by leaving it unlocked.
  19. Glad she runs smooth. Great lookin' piece!
  20. Yep. Another good one along the same lines: "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul." -- George Bernard Shaw
  21. I'd give up my vote for that to happen! We people of common sense are greatly outnumbered!
  22. You've already made me drool. You don't have to keep trying!
  23. That's pretty cool. Can't say I'd go out of my way to buy a Taurus for that reason alone, but if I was already on the fence I might.
  24. You ain't kidding. Remember when he stood on the floor of congress and compared Obama to Jesus and Palin to Pontius Pilate? He's a ****ing 'tard. And our fellow Memphians idiots keep voting him back in. :roll:


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