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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I've only shot a couple of boxes of MFS ammo (don't remember where I picked it up) and IIRC I had 1 or 2 bad rounds out of each box. A friend of mine at the range said he'd had less than stellar results as well.
  2. kb4ns

    Detective Special

    Doubt I could get too much for it. It has a couple of minor flaws in the finish and has a previous owner's (female) name engraved on it. Didn't bother me a bit since I've been known to give my favorite guns a girl's name (just for fun - I'm not that insane), but would likely hurt resale value.
  3. Some intersection systems "go off" everytime the light changes regardless of whether or not there's anyone around.
  4. kb4ns

    Detective Special

    Nice 'volver, GallatinTN. I have a 3rd issue like yours, but in nickel. Sweet little gun. I've thought about trading or selling it since I don't carry it often, but I just can't bring myself to part with it.
  5. Welcome!
  6. AMENDMENT #1 requires the court to order that a weapon be destroyed or recycled if the chief of police, sheriff, commissioner of safety, or director of the TBI, depending on who confiscated the weapon, certifies to the court the weapon is inoperable or unsafe. Hmmm. I wonder how many perfectly fine firearms will suddenly become "inoperable or unsafe" in certain jurisdictions where the CLEO isn't exactly pro-2A.
  7. Congrats! If you're like me, you'll end up with a whole drawer full of holsters and only actually use one or two of 'em.
  8. Haha. PM me when you do! I'll be your first customer.
  9. Welcome!
  10. I'm with the others. I've had no problems out of J&T, Delton, Model 1, or RRA. I've ordered kits from all of them and have nothing but praise for them.
  11. I guess this video was quicker than a "How not to be a dork" tutorial woulda been.
  12. kb4ns

    Weird Setup

    And I thought trying to run after someone with an ankle holster sucked...
  13. My last experience- I sent my renewal and check in by mail and the Dept of Safety sent me a receipt letter dated June 5, 2009. I received my new HCP in the mail Feb 26, 2010. I called a couple of times in between and was told that they were understaffed and very backlogged on renewals. I believe I got the same lady both times I called and she was extremely polite and helpful. There's no reason to stress if you're expired as long as you have your reciept to carry with your expired HCP.
  14. I got it from Midway. Works just fine. Maryland Gun Works Rear Sight Tool Glock - MidwayUSA
  15. I gotcha. If I ever get low I might not have a choice. I snag the $9 stuff on those rare occasions I see it.
  16. I consider my latest to be "evil-ish". Here are a couple others I built
  17. I'm inclined to believe their cash register system may not even allow it to be scanned until 7am. I made pretty good friends with the sporting goods manager (good enough that she'd hide ammo away for me if I called and she had something good), but she'd still stand there talking to me until 7am, then ring up the ammo.
  18. Bronker, is it $17/box in Dickson? I'm sure it's fine ammo, but I just can't bring myself to spend that much.
  19. I like how they mention it'll chamber .380 as well. With most manufacturers, I would assume you could fire it if you wanted. With Charter, I might call and ask 'em first...
  20. They have a 'smith onsite now? That's where I bought my first Glock and they referred me to Dowdle for the NS installation. But that's been some years ago.
  21. I agree. That's why I don't mind the "improper" postings. The only charges someone with a HCP would face is criminal trespass, and only that if they refuse to leave when asked.
  22. The price tags remain less than $9 at the Bartlett WalMart for Blazer Brass and Federal, but I haven't seen any on the shelf in a while. Price may rise with the next shipment they receive. I'm just glad I'm off midnights. I used to go by there in the wee hours to see what they had. They will not (or cannot maybe) sell ammo between 11pm and 7am. It seemed kinda silly. Police officer, in uniform, carrying gun & ammo - couldn't buy any. Never failed - when they had something GOOD in stock, that late call would come in around 6:55 and I'd get back in time to see an empty spot. Drove me insane.
  23. HAHAHA! I may join you! I may not live near BHS, but they put me through the ringer some days when I'm working! Peridog, welcome to the forums!
  24. Personally, I wouldn't depend on anyone else's reloads for carry, but that's just me...


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