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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I'm not familiar with the range you're talking about, but this had me cracking up!
  2. According to their website, these folks are having one Mar 20-21 in Southaven. I haven't been to any of their shows, so I can't comment on the quality. TRI-LAKE GUN & KNIFE SHOW
  3. Well, you usually find yourself shooting back most anywhere in Memphis.
  4. Wow 321 pages!
  5. What he said
  6. It's yours. PM me on how you wanna get it.
  7. Up for grabs is this Dillon Precision powder hopper. I'm not familiar with Dillon products (all I use is basic Lee stuff). I don't know how (or even if) it works. It might be worthless. It might be worth $5,000 . It was given to me by the widow of a reloader and I never had a use for it. So now I offer it to the fine folks of TGO so that hopefully someone can make use of it. The metal base and metal lid make it a little heavy, so I prefer someone in the Memphis area to pick it up (or meet me one day while I'm working in Bartlett) because I don't want to ship it. If you see this and and just gotta to have it, but are too far to pick it up, I reckon I'll ship it. Feel free to send 9mm / .45 brass my way, but sending something my way is definitely not a requirement. First PM that wants this gets it.
  8. I'm envious!I don't know what would be better - being able to shoot at home or having a wife that would cook. Ok, so the shooting would be better. Wendy's is more convenient than the range!
  9. I'm not familiar with the place. Is the handgun range indoor or outdoor? My PD shares an indoor range with TWRA (Their building on our land - we just share it). We have to keep up with how many rounds and what caliber we shoot so that they know when it's time to perform maintenance on the backstop. Not sure if it would matter with an outdoor range. This is possible explanation.
  10. Welcome!
  11. I picked up a Spikes stripped lower from Classic Arms in Cordova a year and a half ago or so.
  12. We actually have to put insurance info in the reports now, too. It's all there. Pretty soon we'll have to put in your underwear colors. Glad you're ok.
  13. That's awesome. It took me 7 years to talk my wife into taking the HCP class. Now if I could just get her to carry...
  14. Welcome!
  15. I love my G26. Ok, ok, I love my wife's G26. My main off-duty carry is a G19, but I bought my wife a G26... that I'm always carrying any time I can get away with it!
  16. I've noticed the same. Hmmm
  17. Welcome!
  18. Nice collection. I think you're off to a good start! You'll have an arsenal before you know it!
  19. Haha! I still haven't figured out why we can't claim the Federal gov't as a dependent...
  20. I would think, too. But thinking usually gets me in trouble.
  21. I ran across this unique item on fleabay. Looks like something you could make on your own for alot less. BRASS PICK UP TOOL 45, 9mm, 223 - eBay (item 120539333805 end time Mar-10-10 05:05:38 PST)
  22. The pics of it look like mostly battery connectors. Saw a couple parts in the pic that look like battery posts. I remember reading in several places to avoid battery lead. Stole this from the lasc.us website: "Battery lead should be avoided because of the extremely high toxicity of elements such as Strontium. All of the other elements listed in addition to being toxic, cast very poorly, ruin a pot of alloy they are blended with and should be avoided." I don't know if that means external connectors or...
  23. kb4ns

    Detective Special

    It's a pro engraving job. Looks good, but still, it's not my name.


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