Ok, if you've seen my previous posts in the reloading category, you know that I'm new to reloading. I'm rather curious about something and know the fine minds of TGO can help me out.
When I bought all the stuff I'd need for reloading, I got a few different types of powder- Unique, Universal Clays, and 800X. I've been loading 9mm so far. I can get plenty of load info from Hodgdon's website for the Clays and the 800X, but Alliant's reloader's guide online sucks! When I look at the Lee manual I have, it lists loads for Unique under the 125 gr FMJ category, but no load data for Unique under 124gr FMJ.
For the purpose of reloading a round that'll put a hole in paper and not be dangerous, can I treat a 124gr and a 125gr bullet as the same?
If so, will the OAL be acceptable when I load a 124gr bullet based on the dimensions given to me in the 125gr recipe?
Thanks all!