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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I've never seen one. Come to think of it... have I ever seen that particular ammo??? I'm with you on the model numbers. After many years of enjoying various different Glocks, I have most of them down. But just as soon as you think you have it figured out, they throw a wrench in. "Wait. What was that? A G30SF or was it a G36? Hang on while I google..."
  2. Hope it's the NV compatible gorilla! How long does it take you to trace / cut the pattern? Sounds tedious.
  3. Yeah, I've been considering that. Just got to figure out which one I want to get a new bbl for first. Or, I guess I could always get a replacement bbl for the 19 and use it in the 26 when I felt the need to shoot lead in the 26...
  4. kb4ns

    Funny Link

    That would be hilarious if it weren't so true!
  5. Now, does the yellow, purple, green, and red wind-up bumble bee mount to the flashlight, or directly to the rail? All kidding aside, the guns look great!
  6. Thanks MemphisMechanic. 99% of the 9mm reloading I've been doing will be shot in my G19 and my G26. I spent a while last night loading up various powders / charges to try working up with at the range tomorrow. I bought a bunch of 125gr cast bullets from Missouri Bullet (great company BTW), but I keep reading horror stories about Glocks & lead. Apparently, if you place a lead bullet within a mile of a Glock, it Kabooms, airliners within 500nm fall from the sky, and a bus full of nuns will overturn on a group of schoolchildren walking down the street.
  7. Well crap, I'm out... That is one NICE looking holster!
  8. I'm so glad I read that. I was about to let my membership expire and just send them an anonymous money order for the amount my membership would have been.
  9. That's definitely good to know. I've shot a bunch of Federal factory 223 with never a problem. Do they use their own primers?
  10. Howdy neighbor and welcome to TGO!
  11. Welcome Mike!
  12. Thanks. I had too much going on to make it this weekend, but I might keep an eye on their website and try to hit the next one.
  13. Thanks XD! So the OAL will be the same?
  14. The Lee manual for 125gr FMJ shows 4.8gr start load and 4.9gr Never Exceed with an OAL of 1.150. While googling, I found where someone said the Speer manual shows this for a 124gr FMJ load - 5.2gr start, 5.8gr never exceed and an OAL of 1.135. This is why so many people get frustrated and give up on reloading!
  15. Ok, if you've seen my previous posts in the reloading category, you know that I'm new to reloading. I'm rather curious about something and know the fine minds of TGO can help me out. When I bought all the stuff I'd need for reloading, I got a few different types of powder- Unique, Universal Clays, and 800X. I've been loading 9mm so far. I can get plenty of load info from Hodgdon's website for the Clays and the 800X, but Alliant's reloader's guide online sucks! When I look at the Lee manual I have, it lists loads for Unique under the 125 gr FMJ category, but no load data for Unique under 124gr FMJ. For the purpose of reloading a round that'll put a hole in paper and not be dangerous, can I treat a 124gr and a 125gr bullet as the same? If so, will the OAL be acceptable when I load a 124gr bullet based on the dimensions given to me in the 125gr recipe? Thanks all!
  16. Broomhead got the tactipul. I'll take the monkey fist. PMing now.
  17. kb4ns

    Bushmaster M4?

  18. I'll add another +1 for J&T. I've bought a couple rifle kits from them and had as good or better experience than other companies.
  19. Welcome!
  20. I've got a CProducts tactipul available. For AR-15 mags. I bought it but don't plan to use it. First person to PM me gets it. Information I shamelessly stole from a website: Simply slide off floor plate and slide on Tactipul Allows you to grip the magazine with ease Black plastic overmold material Fits aluminum & stainless steel magazines only
  21. It's easy. It's basically just a place where you give stuff away for free. If you see something you want, be the first person to ask for it and you'll get it. When you have something you don't mind parting with, you 'pay it forward' and list it for free. There is a separate thread for 'pay it forward' holsters, but I don't think anyone will get mad at ya for listing a holster here.
  22. Talk about a roller coaster report. I was all excited reading above the picture, then disappointed and feeling sorry for you at the bottom. Hope they get it worked out for you!


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