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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. They do look nice enough, but I've had some really nice looking holsters that were among the worst I've ever owned. And some of the cheapest holsters I've bought are what I usually end up using. My wife compares my holster purchases to women and their shoes...
  2. Congrats, and welcome to the world of "crufflers"
  3. I ordered a couple C&R pistols from SOG right after I first got my C&R. I was very pleased with all aspects of the transaction.
  4. I've been looking for a 1911 belt slide holster (one of the basic ones). The Don Hume "Agent" model runs about $20 to $25. The Tagua equivalent is running $25 to $35. Maybe the other styles are cheaper than those of their competitors.
  5. Welcome!
  6. While searching leather holsters on eBay, I found a slew of holsters for sale that are "Tagua" brand. Apparently they are made in Paraguay. Anybody have any experience with their stuff? Is it any good? From the prices I've seen (only a few $ less than American stuff), I think I'd just as soon stick with the usual suspects (Don Hume, Galco, etc.), but just curious as to what folks thought.
  7. Thanks. Unfortunately, a search of the DVR revealed no upcoming airings. But with the link, I'll be able to survive!
  8. +1
  9. Their prices ain't bad. Anywhere else that has good deals on used brass? I just can't bring myself to spend 2 to 3 times as much on new brass when used brass is so much cheaper and still has plenty of life left in it.
  10. Hmmm. My duty weapon is a .357 Sig. With the current ammo prices, we've been shooting some reloads as practice ammo and there's been quite a bit of nickel stuff in it. Wonder if we'll run into any problems. Hopefully the QC is ok at the reload factory.
  11. Looking at many auctions on gunbroker for used brass, I noticed that a lot of folks seem proud to announce that their brass contains no nickel plated cases. But most (if not all) of your commercial reloaders like Tennessee Cartridge Co reload nickel. I've heard that reloading nickel is fine, but the cases just won't last as long as regular brass. What's everyone's thoughts on reloading nickel plated cases?
  12. +1 I haven't been reloading that long and I've already learned a ton more about ammo than I have in many years of shooting.
  13. Awesome. Thanks Roverboy!
  14. I'm trying to search for it on my DVR to see if it's coming on again. Anyone know the actual name of the show?
  15. It's different when someone is bringing me cash...
  16. Appraisal? Chelsea? You couldn't just put down $20 and call it a day??
  17. Will do. Thanks for the tip. I loaded up 10 rounds each of several charges of three different powders and took them to the range yesterday. I gotta say that it's a neat feeling the first time you put a bullet downrange that you put together. It's a little nerve-racking too, as you're waiting for the gun to blow up on the first shot!
  18. I work for Bartlett. And yes, avoid Chelsea...
  19. YES. YES. YES. YES!!!!
  20. That's really a good idea. So simple, I'm surprised more of us haven't thought of that.
  21. Just keep in mind that there are a fair number of "non-friendly" LEOs around (especially Memphis).
  22. I can speak for the majority of LEOs in Shelby County when I say: Leave me the hell alone when I'm trying to eat. I don't much care if there are a couple of grenades hanging off of your bandolier- provided no one complains. Meals are tough enough to come by in the suburbs and almost nonexistent for MPD. Now, fast-forward to 20 minutes after lunch and Susie Q. Public sees you packing that death machine mentioned in BigPoppa's post. When the police are called, it's anybody's guess what's gonna happen. It'll come down to the officer(s) handling the call. With me, we'd go outside to talk about it so Susie doesn't call my boss to complain about me not locking you up, provided you're legit and friendly.
  23. kb4ns

    2010 Census

    Un-freakin'-believable how much money they waste! First - I got something in the mail telling me I would be getting something in the mail. Then - I got something in the mail. Today - I got something in the mail telling me I got something in the mail. Ladies and gentlemen, your tax dollars at work!
  24. I've never seen it in the TCA. There are many references in 39-17-1351 to "6 months", but only referring to new residents, expirations, etc. I remember when my wife took the class and was told that she had 6 months to apply. I looked it up then and couldn't find any relevant statute. One of these days, I'll call Nashville and ask. Seems to me that if you can take the class, get your permit, then never have to do any further training or testing, you should be able to apply whenever you want as long as you took the class at some point in your life.


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