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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. That's a cool link, but I can only get it to search for tents with a capacity of up to 4 people. Which (in reality) means it'll comfortable hold 1, maybe 2, people and their stuff comfortably.
  2. That's kinda what I've heard too, but I have never owned any of their stuff.
  3. +1 Hate that it's even an issue for you.
  4. Are Columbia tents any good? I learned long ago (the hard, rainy way) that cheap tents suck. Now I'm looking for a larger tent for the family and ran across a good deal on a 2 room Columbia tent.
  5. Welcome, Jerry!!
  6. That's awesome!
  7. Looks good
  8. Do you have to keep the same company name until the transfer is complete or ???
  9. I often find myself wondering how often that happens. I've run a lot of radar in my time and written a lot of tickets. But I will NEVER stop a car unless I am ABSOLUTELY certain I have the right one.
  10. I really wish HK Edgerton could get around enough to educate everyone in this country-
  11. John, that's a nice looking trigger group
  12. To them, "terrorist tendencies" sounds better than "anti-socialist tendencies".
  13. So wanting to withdraw from a Union that was no longer adhering to the Constitution and was detrimental to the individuals is less than honorable?? And I definitely agree with 2HOW on getting rid of the writers of history based on their terrible inaccuracies. I get so tired of hearing that the "civil war" was over slavery. Yes, it played a role, but if it was "the" reason, explain why the still-confederate state of Tennessee abolished slavery in 1864 before the outcome of the war was decided! There's no way hundreds of thousands of poor southern boys would have put themselves through the hell of that war for the rights of a small percentage of southerners to own slaves. And let us not forget the 10's of thousands of free black men who volunteered for the CSA.
  14. Same here. My 6 or 7 trips to Tunica in the past have taught me that. Now the buffets in the casinos are where it's at...
  15. I find it occasionally at Wally World (got a couple of boxes of Rem UMC last weekend). The ranges around here that sell ammo tend to have factory and reloads in stock most of the time.
  16. IIRC, I was not real stupid at 17. I do believe I knew everything then.
  17. Good to know. I planned on taking it with me and, most likely, leaving it locked in a safe when we were out and about on the strip. Just to have it in case we wander away from the strip.
  18. Thanks for all of the info guys. I've researched the NV laws and realize there isn't much to worry about as long as wherever you're going isn't posted (minus the usual courthouses, schools, etc.). Are any of the casinos posted ("no firearms")?
  19. Well, I'm not into golf or bowling, and my wife may have something to say about the hookers... Maybe we'll save the Vegas trip for a few years down the road. Now to figure out where we want to go. Been to Florida way too many times. Been to most places worth seeing within driving distance. Hmmmm... Ideas anyone?
  20. I'm with you bockey. I'd like to say I've been and I'm sure it would be neat to take in the sights and sounds, etc. But I have the feeling the majority of time we're there (if we decide to go) will be spent looking at the outdoor sights.


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